Rob Studdert wrote:

> I have to scroll to the bottom of every page just to see if the seller will
> even ship to me, this information used to be in plain view. I also cut and past
> information into a data base, now there are hidden page returns etc. So from my
> perspective I don't believe that the changes have added any functional
> advantage :-(

annsan adds:

Quite the opposite, in fact.  My first reaction was just that it looked ugly .  Now
I see it has
botched up other stuff.  The top of the page is badly spaced so you have a whole
of abbreviated stuff before you get to the description.  The payment instructions
being at the bottom is really annoying, as you say.  But worse, the place a bid is
at the TOP
where it affords the careless reader more opportunity to jump in rashly before
reading the
details.  AND I just realized that since I am hosting my own gallery picture,  the
is no longer at the top of the listing.  You have to know to scroll to see the
photo.  Maybe
this can be fixed by selecting some of their display options, but my guess is you
would then
be getting into the land of frames and we don't wanna do that. Sigh.

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