Am 07.10.2017 um 22:59 schrieb Fabian:

I have some questions regarding the integration of PostgreSQL replication and 
PowerDNS operating in native mode.
As the replication of Postgres is a master - slave replication the transactions 
on the slaves are read-only.

- Is there a way to delegate all write operations the the PowerDNS “master” (the one 
using the PostgreSQL master instance), like "forward-dnsupdate=yes” does for 

Are there any write operations? In native mode I guess there shouldn'T be any write queries - maybe only for DNSSEC key management.

Maybe if you do some fancy stuff only against the PowerDNS which uses the Postgres-Master then it should work.
- How does the DNSSEC inception works with the native mode? Will the “master” 
try to re-sign the zone or are all PowerDNS servers trying to re-sign the zone 
(with failures on the read-only databases)?
AFAIK PowerDNS does online-signing - hence the signatures are not in the DB. Hence, every node does signing on its own (A PowerDNS server does not know if the Postgresql DB is a replication slave or master).

What exactly is your problem?

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