My setup is as follows:

All servers are Centos 7 x86_64 running under VMware ESXi 5.1.

My DNS/firewall running PDNS 3.4.1 and PDNS-RECURSOR 3.6.2 has 2 NICs. 1 has one static public IP (79.142.xx.yy), and the other is on my LAN (

The IP in my DNS for the mail server is the public, and ports are then forwarded.

mail server is at

internal PDNS-recursor (3.6.2) with a Lua script to change address to LAN address is located at,
and it's the only DNS specified in all workstations network setup.

It works like a dream for everybody BUT Windows 7.
Android, Linux and Windows XP all get the LAN address when asking for, but Windows 7 gets the public address.

I can see in logging in the Lua script that the Windows 7 machine asks for the name, and Lua returns the LAN address,
but Windows 7 still gets the public IP.

Any ideas to why?

I'm also running Samba on the PDNS-recursor to let Windows access the NAS shares, but there's no wins defined anywhere,
and the firewall / auth dns is not running Samba.

Kind regards,
Henrik Woffinden

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