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Onderwerp: Re: [Pdns-users] forward for RBL zones
Datum: Wed, 03 Sep 2008 10:26:56 +0200
Van: Ton van Rosmalen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Aan: Koopmann, Jan-Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Referenties: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi JP,

Koopmann, Jan-Peter schreef:



we are using rbldns to provide several rbls internally. One of them is a “self written” rbl. I am trying to convince powerdns-recursor to forward all requests for the domain to the internal rbl server. However this does not seem to work as expected. Anything special I need to do? I have this in the forwards.conf:


and of course



I'm not sure how the configs should work for the recursor but according to the text you edited a file called forwards.conf and the config uses forward.conf?
Maybe its just a typo in your e-mail but I thought I'd point it out.



If I manually dig an address like this “dig @”, the rbldns answers correctly. If I query the pdns-recursor it cannot find the record.


Kind regards,


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