Goodbye DNS, Goodbye PowerDNS!

Please read the whole post on
which also has clickable links.

But the gist is:

After over 20 years of DNS and PowerDNS, I am moving on.  Separate from this
page, I am releasing a series of three huge posts on the history of
PowerDNS, so I won’t dwell too much on that here.

This is not an easy story to write.  I don’t like to grandstand, but when
the founder of a project decides to leave after two decades, people do
expect some form of an explanation.

It is also customary to describe such an exit in upbeat terms, sometimes to
the point that you wonder that if things were so great, why is this person

But the reality is, I got bored and wanted to do new things.  PowerDNS and
the wonderful people who I met along the way have taught me so much –
software development, operations, marketing, sales, business development,
community building, writing internet standards & much more.  It has been a
wonderful ride.

But now it appears DNS and I are somewhat at the end of our relationship
(even though I will remain a minor PowerDNS shareholder).  Formally I leave
on December 31st.

Helping build PowerDNS to what it is today – a flourishing department of
Open-Xchange, able to fund itself by delivering its software to paying
users, while maintaining good relations with the open source community, has
been an incredible honour.

As I leave the company, management and software development have long been
in the hands of people I am proud to call my successors.  They are doing a
better job than I ever did – the only claim I have on the current success is
that I helped recruit this next generation.  I don’t think there is much
more to aspire to when you create a company than leaving it behind in good

... please do read on at

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