Hi everybody!

As recently announced, we have finished the great PowerDNS 4.x Spring Cleaning 
<http://blog.powerdns.com/2015/11/28/powerdns-spring-cleaning/>. And it was 
indeed kind of grand. We consciously set out to fix many things that had been 
waiting for years to be addressed. We took the liberty to change many things 
that we could not change (break) within 3.x.  However, it was breaking for the 

As noted in our previous post, we are very grateful to our community, users, 
developers and customers that we were able to devote significant time to 
cleaning up past mistakes. This is very rare in the world of software. 
Additionally, as usual a specific shout-out to Aki Tuomi (these days working 
for our sister-company Dovecot), our certified consultants Kees Monshouwer 
<https://www.monshouwer.eu/>, Christian Hofstaedtler <http://deduktiva.com/> 
and Jan-Piet Mens <http://jpmens.net/>, our independent code-contributors Ruben 
Kerkhof <http://tilaa.net/>, Ruben d’Arco <http://cyclops.nettrends.nl/blog/>, 
Mark Zealey <https://mark.zealey.org/>, Pavel Boldin 
<https://github.com/paboldin?tab=repositories>, Mark Schouten 
<https://www.linkedin.com/in/jmschouten> and all the others who contributed 
ideas, code and GitHub issues.

With this message, we bring good news and bad news just in time for our 
holidays. We promised 4.0 releases of PowerDNS Recursor, PowerDNS Authoritative 
and even a 1.0 release of dnsdist, in “December 2015”. The bad news is that we 
did not make it. The good news however is that we do have a set of Technology 
Preview releases that contain everything that 4.0 will.

In other words: the features are done, but we can’t yet sign off on the 
quality. However! Since most people won’t be deploying x.0 releases in December 
anyhow, we felt it was worthwhile to launch the 4.x series now with a strong 
technology preview. This preview will allow you to test our features, both to 
see if they work and to see if they actually fit in with your needs. And please 
do test, since that will speed up the advent of the actual 4.x release date!

In terms of roadmap, we consulted PowerDNS customers, community and developers 
 and out came a plan for 4.x 
<http://mailman.powerdns.com/pipermail/pdns-users/2015-June/011516.html>. A few 
months into the development, various users and customers suddenly chimed in on 
absolutely mandatory features we had somehow missed. Because of that, 4.x both 
under- and overdelivers.

In addition to the huge internal cleanup, here are visible changes that did 
make it:


Fully-featured load balancer with a number of DNS-relevant load balancing 
policies. The default policy favours servers with the least amount of queries 
in flight and the fastest response times. This turns out to deliver tangible 
user experience improvements
Comes with a host of rules to block, change, or redirect traffic based on your 
needs. For example, use dnsdist to implement ‘views’, or what has been called 
‘Advanced DNS Protection’ by some closed source resellers of open source.
dnscrypt, EDNS Client Subnet adding (for GC-NAT traversal, for example)
Realtime insights via HTTP/JSON/RESTful API & built-in live graphing website
For more about this new product, please see http://dnsdist.org/ 

GeoIP backend has gained many features, and can now run based on explicit 
netmasks not present in the GeoIP databases
Caches are now fully canonically ordered, which means entries can be wiped on 
suffix in all places
Old geobackend has been deprecated and is no longer part of PowerDNS
Newly revived ODBC backend for talking to Microsoft SQL Server & Azure, and 
with some tweaking, any other ODBC-database we do not support natively.
pdnssec tool does far more than DNSSEC, and has thus been renamed into 
ECDSA signing is now supported without external dependencies, and a single 
combined ECDSA signing key is the new default for securing zones.
Experimental ed25519 signing support based on draft-sury-dnskey-ed25519-03.

DNSSEC processing: if you ask for DNSSEC records, you will get them
DNSSEC validation: if so configured, PowerDNS will attempt to perform DNSSEC 
validation of your answers
Completely revamped Lua scripting API that is “DNSName” native and therefore 
far less error prone, and likely faster for most commonly used scenarios. Loads 
and indexes a 1 million domain custom policy list in a few seconds
New asynchronous per-domain, per-ip address, query engine. This allows PowerDNS 
to consult an external service in realtime to determine client or domain 
status. This could for example mean looking up actual customer identity from a 
DHCP server based on IP address (option 82 for example).
RPZ (from file, over AXFR or IXFR) support. This loads the largest Spamhaus 
zone in 5 seconds on our hardware, containing around 2 million instructions.
More details here 
All caches can now be wiped on suffixes, because of canonical ordering
Many many more relevant performance metrics, including upstream authoritative 
performance measurements (‘is it me or the network that is slow’)
EDNS Client Subnet support, including cache awareness of subnet-varying answers
More technical details are available in the changelog 

Finally – the big question is of course: when will the actual 4.0.0 releases 
(and 1.0 for dnsdist) happen. The answer is that all this depends on what you 
find out during testing. We may be closer or further from the goal. As of now 
we can’t tell. We will report back to you in January to let you know when we 
expect to be able to do a release that meets our standards. But the more you 
test, the sooner this will be!

You can download tarballs:

<http://downloads.powerdns.com/releases/pdns-4.0.0-alpha1.tar.bz2> (sig 
<http://downloads.powerdns.com/releases/dnsdist-1.0.0-alpha1.tar.bz2> (sig 
Packages for several distributions are available from our repositories 

Once again, thank you everyone for working with us on this release. Happy 
holidays and a splendid new year!

The PowerDNS development & automation team:  Peter 
<https://twitter.com/habbie>, Pieter <https://twitter.com/lieter_>, Remi 
<https://twitter.com/rgacogne> (and Bert <https://twitter.com/powerdns_bert>, 
who spent this release week on a sunny island, and not helping much!).

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