Dear Steven,

I copied your comment to my blog --

Icon Index Symbol • 19

I had intended to discuss it further but the distractions and disruptions
of this Already Very Old New Year have not left my faculties intact, plus
yesterday was grocery/pharmacy shopping day, which under siege conditions
takes all morning and leaves me exhausted the rest of the day.  So I hope
I can get back to it eventually ...



On 1/8/2021 2:16 PM, Skaggs,Steven wrote:
Jon and all,

As far as visual semiotics is concerned, it is helpful to think of a “terrain” 
or map of a semantic mode territory in which of icon-index-symbol form the  
points of the triangular map, or gamut. Visual entities (and we can extend this 
beyond that sense modality but that is what I do most of my work in) can be 
plotted on this gamut. For instance, an extremely legible typographic word 
would be in the upper right corner, while an illegible scribble would appear 
down near the bottom. But expressive calligraphy, or perhaps a graffiti tag, 
might well occupy somewhere in between. The late works of Paul Klee would 
mostly be placed in the center. A passport photograph the upper left corner, 

More on this in my book FireSigns<> 
(shameless plug!).


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