
During my 10-minute presentation, I defined a true continuum in accordance
with Peirce's mature topical conception as ontologically conforming to Gary
Richmond's categorial vector of representation (3ns→1ns→2ns), such that the
whole is primordial and its parts are indefinite until deliberately marked
off for a particular purpose. As shown in this diagram, a *hyperbolic
is represented on the projective plane by a circle (black) with two
different ideal limits (red) where it intersects the absolute or line at
infinity (blue), and motion (green) is from one toward the other without
ever actually reaching either in accordance with Gary R.'s categorial
vector of process (1ns→3ns→2ns).

[image: image.png]

For Peirce, time is the the paradigm of a true hyperbolic continuum--the
infinitely distant past is 1st, the infinitely distant future is 2nd, and
the lapse containing any assignable date is 3rd (CP 1.409, EP 1:277,
1887-8; W 8:134, 1892; CP 6.506, c. 1906). "Events may be limited to a
portion of this ring" (CP 1.498, c. 1896), but since it has no
singularities, time itself "stretches on beyond those limits, infinite
though they be, returns into itself, and begins again. Your metaphysics
must be shaped to accord with that" (CP 6.210, 1898). "As to the part of
time on the further side of eternity which leads back from the infinite
future to the infinite past, it evidently proceeds by contraries" (CP
8.317, 1891).

Here are some additional candidate examples.

   - Cognition - 1st = object outside the mind, 2nd = fully determinate
   representation, 3rd = thought (CP 5.263, EP 1:26-27, 1868)
   - Reasoning - 1st = premiss/antecedent, 2nd = conclusion/consequent, 3rd
   = inference (CP 6.582, 1890; NEM 4:127, 1897-8; CP 2.27, 1902)
   - Inquiry - 1st = blank ignorance, 2nd = reality itself =
   perfect/absolute truth, 3rd = observation/reflection producing fallible
   knowledge (NEM 4:134, 1897-8; R 953, c. 1899; EP 2:304, c. 1901)
   - Semiosis
      - 1st = utter indetermination, 2nd = utter determination, 3rd =
      determining an endless series of interpretants (EP 2:322-323, c. 1901)
      - 1st = dynamical object, 2nd = final interpretant, 3rd = signs
      including successive dynamical interpretants (EP 2:410, 1907)
   - Universe - 1st = starting-point = God the Creator, 2nd = terminus =
   God completely revealed, 3rd = every state at a measurable point of time
   (CP 1.362, EP 1:251, 1887-8)
   - Cosmology
      - 1st = no law but mere indeterminacy, 2nd = no indeterminacy but
      complete reign of law, 3rd = growing determination by law (CP 1.409, EP
      1:277, 1887-8)
      - 1st = chaos = uncoordinated/unpersonalized feeling, 2nd = dead
      matter = crystallized mind, 3rd = evolution = tendency to take habits (CP
      6.585, 1890; CP 6.32-33, EP 1:297, 1891)
      - 1st = total absence of regularity, 2nd = total absence of
      spontaneity, 3rd = constantly increasing conformity to law (CP
8.317, 1891)
   - Creation
   - 1st = chaos of reactions = pure nothing/indeterminacy, 2nd = entelechy
      of being = ultimate representation, 3rd = mediation by influx of a symbol
      (EP 2:324, c. 1901)
      - 1st = nothing, 2nd = concrete reasonableness, 3rd =
      embodiment/manifestation (CP 1.615, EP 2:255, 1903)

Are there others?


Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
Structural Engineer, Synechist Philosopher, Lutheran Christian /

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