The following article is relevant to our recent discussions about
mathematics, logic, and reasoning in words.
"Cortical circuits
for mathematical knowledge: evidence for a major subdivision within the
brain's semantic networks"

Marie Amalric and Stanislas

Abstract:  Is mathematical language similar to natural language?
Are language areas used by mathematicians when they do mathematics? And
does the brain comprise a generic semantic system that stores mathematical
knowledge alongside knowledge of history, geography or famous people?

Here, we refute those views by reviewing three functional MRI
studies of the representation and manipulation of high-level mathematical
knowledge in professional mathematicians. The results reveal that brain
activity during professional mathematical reflection spares perisylvian
language-related brain regions as well as temporal lobe areas classically
involved in general semantic knowledge. Instead, mathematical reflection
recycles bilateral intraparietal and ventral temporal regions involved in
elementary number sense.
Even simple fact retrieval, such as
remembering that ‘the sine function is periodical’ or that ‘London buses
are red’, activates dissociated areas for math versus non-math knowledge.
Together with other fMRI and recent intracranial studies, our results
indicated a major separation between two brain networks for mathematical
and non-mathematical semantics, which goes a long way to explain a variety
of facts in neuroimaging, neuropsychology and developmental
These issues are related to the slides about Peirce,
Polya, and Euclid:

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