List, Amando

from my post of Mon, 07 Aug 2017 11:07:46 -0500

Consider the meaning of the chromaticity  (spectra) of 
A, B, C,…
H, He, Li, Be, B, C, N, O, F, Ne,…
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C,…   (musical scales)
nad A, nad B, and nad C, etc, (genetic symbols with closure over a set of 
genetic symbols that represent the potential of inheritance of the genome)

Each of these five symbol systems is an accepted social symbol system that is 
used publicly in everyday communication and by different academic tribes.  The 
factual meaning of the latter three symbol systems are established by factual 
(reproducible) observations from objects.
In off-line discussion, Professor Sercovich has requested further discussions 
of unpublished works.  In particular, I submitted a lengthy abstract (which has 
now been accepted) to the 6 th World Congress. A shortened version will be 
submitted for publication. 

The abstract is reproduced below (with typos corrected.)  The notion of 
“emanations” (vibrations) was re-expressed in the modern terminology of 
“chromaticity”.  The term “emanations” plays a critical role in bridging the 
logical gaps among the symbols of mathematics, physics and chemistry. 

 I suppose that the technical language will be off-putting for many readers. 
Nevertheless, I decided to post it here because it is may motivate some readers 
to open new pathways of interpretations of CSP writings on the informational 
units of logic in relation to the syzygy (compositions) of grammars.  
Obviously, I welcome comments on this approach to bio-logic.


Abstract, 6 th World Congress on Universal Logic

Is Life Logical? Application of the Peirce-Lesniewski-Tarski Meta-Logics to the 
Organic Mathematics of the Perplexity of Natural Sorts and Kinds.

Jerry LR Chandler, Ph.D., Research Professor, Krasnow Institute for Advanced 
Study, George Mason University.  Fairfax, VA USA  Email address:

Is life logical? Here, I propose a categorical approach to numeric combinations 
that unite several formal logics for the purpose of scientific analysis of 
natural sorts and kinds.  In order to represent the novelties of organic 
objects, this logico-scientific strategy generates novel propositional forms 
for numbers representing natural sorts and kinds. The collective logics of 
these novel grammatical sentences are graphically represented within the 
perplex number system (Chandler, 2009). These novel propositional forms require 
both copulative and predicative conceptualization of scientific terms in order 
to inform imperative numerical relations of addition. The logical compositions 
of the novel sorts and kinds of numbers stand in one to one correspondence 
(mappings) with the parts of atoms. From this logico-scientific perspective of 
natural sorts and kinds, meaningful sentences necessary contain both 
grammatical and numerical elements in order to generate representations of 
organic mathematics are empirically represented in propositions relating the 
denotations and connotations of antecedents and consequences. The predicative 
symbolic terms must inform the denotive predicative symbolic changes and the 
copulative symbolic terms must inform the connotative copulative changes. The 
terms in the propositional equations of organic mathematics must be informed by 
the abstract scientific units of physics, chemistry, biochemistry, genetics, 
medicine and other associative disciplines. The guiding compositional principle 
for validating propositions of organic mathematics is simply stated: The union 
of units unites the unity.

The formal logic of the union of scientific units is constrained by the 
empirical meanings of the scientific symbol systems used to represent natural 
sorts and kinds. The several notational systems used to represent natural sorts 
and kinds emerge coherently from the additive logic of the perplex number 
system (Chandler, 2009, 2015, 2016). Perplex numbers have meaning. From this 
logico-scientific perspective of information, the compositional logic of 
scientific forms emerges from the physical attributes of electricity and the 
atomic numbers. (The traditional geometric forms of mathematical physics can be 
inferred from organic mathematical terms by merely changing the informational 
content of the representational metric spaces.) But, the scientific meaning of 
perplex propositions is only achieved by validation of indicative antecedents 
to generate an imperative consequent.

Within the historical constraints of the scientific symbol systems emerging 
from empirical scientific observations, a union of the distinctive formal 
logics of the inorganic sciences inform a set of terms for forming the logical 
and structural attributes of the organic sorts and kinds. The meaning of 
perplex numbers is encoded in scientific symbol systems. Within this 
logico-scientific formalism, the propositional sentences for forming organic 
entities from inorganic entities representing novel electrical relationships 
among the electrical parts of the whole. The antecedent parts are represented 
by symbols for mass and electricity and the consequential whole is also 
represented by mass and electricity. Organic forms emerge from inorganic forms 
by creating new species of electrical connections. The scientific necessity for 
conserving the symbolic meanings of both categories of terms infers combining 
both copulative and predicative logics for all propositions representing 
natural sorts and kinds.  This novel form of scientific logic was named 
synduction (Chandler, 2009). The associated philosophy of science is called 
perplex systems theory. The essential distinction between synduction and other 
logics is that the grammar of synductive propositions must relate the 
copulative and predicative terms representative of the semiotics of the natural 
entity in order to correspond with empirical scientific symbols deduced from 
its natural emanations.

Precursors of the combinatorial structure of the perplex logic of synduction 
were described by C. S. Peirce (1839-1914), S. Lesniewski (1886-1939) and A. 
Tarski (1901-1983). A rudimentary relational logic for interpreting the 
emanations of natural sorts and kinds was formulated by Peirce’s hypothetical 
method of constructing propositions from emanations (CP 2:230). The formal 
logic of perplexity aligns the inorganic attributes of the atomic numbers and 
the forms of mathematical graph theory as is suggested by the relational logic 
of parts of wholes as suggested by Lesniewski. The necessity of combining 
symbolic logics is intrinsic to representing multiple symbol systems as is 
suggested by the conceptual relations between scientific symbol systems and 
Tarski’s meta-languages.  Synductive logic draws on these three conceptual 
notions of relational logics to create new species of relations in order to 
organize the parts into wholes (e.g., atoms into molecules).  Logical 
arithmetic operations on the primitive inorganic terms combine predicative 
terms non-linearly. The combined primitive terms create an emergent whole with 
the concomitant manifestation of new natural emanations. The copulation of the 
parts of the whole is expressed as a novel grammatical identity of a natural 
sort or kind. (For examples, the masses of hydrogen and oxygen are combined in 
the emergent structure of the whole, water, the masses of carbon, hydrogen and 
oxygen are combined in the emergent structures of carbohydrates and lipids, the 
masses of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen are combined in the emergent 
structures of nucleic acid bases and the masses of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, 
nitrogen and sulfur are combined in the emergent structures of proteins.)  
Organic mathematics requires the semantic naming of each unique organic 
identity in order to be consistent with the species of emanations, the specific 
patterns of the isomeric copulative unions and the specific emergent physical 
predicates that are created by copulative unions of parts to become wholes.

Consequently, the synductive logic of the natural union of atoms to form 
molecules differs from B. Russell’s abusive metaphor of combining atomic 
sentences to form molecular sentences. The concept of the natural association 
of inorganic electrical particles (e.g., atoms) by copulation (e.g., bonding) 
into molecular patterns parallels logically the concept of association of terms 
in propositional sentences.  The Tarskian difference that makes a difference 
between Russell’s logic and synductive logic is the difference between a simple 
grammatical conjunction (“and”) and a physical combination (“bind to”) 
expressing the logic of stable electrical forces intrinsic to the relations 
among atomic numbers. Scientifically, the abductive copulative / predicative 
statements representing the mapping from atoms to molecules are combined into 
exact equational forms that are subject to direct empirical verification. 
Scientifically, a three-fold verification of perplex propositions is required. 
The first verification denotes the parts of the whole as a composition of 
atomic numbers such that these specified parts connote the abductive substrates 
of compositions. The second verification connotes graphically the composition 
of adjacency relations among the parts of the specific emergent identity. The 
third verification, which is essential for bio-organic molecules, denotes the 
three-dimensional electrical arrangements of all the parts of an entity (e.g., 
the handedness of amino-acids, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, etc.) These 
empirical validations inform the change of the verbal propositional mood from 
terms indicative of parts to an imperative term (or terms).

Perplex logic links the scientific disciplines by the composition and 
decomposition of the anatomies of scientific terms (units). The three-fold 
logical processes of perplexification associate the connotations of the 
methodical approach to forming symbolic propositions of C. S. Peirce and 
logical meta-languages of Tarski with the denotive organic mathematics of the 
atomic numbers concomitantly with propositional terms consistent with 
Lesniewski concept of denoting part-whole relations. The mathematical concept 
of partitioning plays a central role in the scientific symbolic representations 
of assembly and disassembly of natural sorts and kinds. The units of union and 
disunion are the perplex numbers and networks of relations.

Deductive propositions can denote the mapping processes that disassemble the 
anatomies of larger units into smaller units, such as the atomic numbers. The 
perplex number line aligns abductively the partitions of all integers with the 
natural parts of wholes.  The perplex number spine associates abductively with 
each partition a specific set of all possible three-dimensional arrangements of 
natural sorts and kinds (denoted by electrical particles, atoms, molecules, 
viruses, cells, organs, organ systems and all higher organisms). The perplex 
number spine is a line of potential infinite length and a potential infinite 
number of organic branch points. Each and every organic object associates with 
an enumerable organization of its electrical parts.  Each integer number is 
associated with a partition of an integer and a perplex mathematical graph that 
associates the specific electric parts of the whole. The perplex partitions of 
integers are associated with the labelled bipartite graphs composed exclusively 
from atomic numbers (Chandler, 2009). A living system can be decomposed by 
partitioning into anatomical structures, each part connotes a semeiotic 
identity as a term of natural language. Iterative partitioning of natural sorts 
and kinds decomposes the whole into simple integer units, the atomic numbers. 
The equivalency of the relational logic paths of composition and decomposition 
validate the synductive logic of “proof of structures” for entities arranged 
along the perplex number spine as structural units and as potential emergent 
dynamic units, under the constraints of the mass and the electrical laws.

The two physical symbolic forms of combinatorial logics of identity (mass and 
electricity) are used concomitantly to construct deductions from inductive and 
abductive hypotheses about natural sorts and kinds (scaling).  The partitions 
of anatomical structures of natural sorts and kinds are scaled into collections 
of forests of the symbolic graphs of perplex numbers. The composition of 
relations emerges from the electrical relations among the anatomies of the 
parts. The form of the relations emerges from the electrical forms of the 
perplex numbers. The number of relations between parts is a function of 
symbolic language selected to represent the natural sort or kind. In the case 
of the very simple chemical symbols, the number of relations gained or lost is 
a simple exact electrical calculation. The interdependencies between the 
alternative propositional terms for partitions are inferred from semeiotic 
emanations within the context of the parts of the whole. The propositional 
terms of different scientific disciplines scale with the identity of the 
inorganic and organic species, the identity of the ecosystem and the temporal 
interdependencies among them.  The combinatorial relations among parts of the 
whole generate the electro-dynamics of natural sorts and kinds (oxidation, 
reductions, transformations, transpositions, translocations, transfers, 
transactions, and so forth) as well as the quantum electro-dynamics necessary 
to represent three-dimensional organic forms (handedness). The emergence of 
relations among the parts of the wholes arranges electrical units of partitions 
into unities to form anatomies of natural sorts and kinds.

In conclusion, the yoga (Sanskrit, union) of the abstract concepts of C. S. 
Peirce, S. Lesniewski and A. Tarski is the logical ur-root of coherence of 
multiple scientific symbol systems under the formal numerical constraint:  The 
union of units unite the unity.


Little Falls, MN, USA,

Submitted Oct 3, 2017

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