Ben, Jeff, Jon, lists,

1)  Can we say that there can be many triads, depending one how one
defines them, but the Peircean triad is special and identical with a
mathematical category ?

2) "Triad" is a system of three entities, while "trichotomy" is the
process of dividing a system into three parts, either physically or
mentally, the latter case of which is called "prescinding" by Peirce.

With all the best.

Sungchul Ji, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
Rutgers University
Piscataway, N.J. 08855

> Jeff D., Jon,
> I'd just like to note that the questions of triads versus trichotomies
> is something that we've discussed a number of times at peirce-l over the
> years. For my part, I like using those words in the way that Jon and
> others have recommended - 'triad' for the triadically related sign,
> object, interpretant, which are involved as the correlates in genuinely
> triadic action, and 'trichotomy' for three-fold classifications,
> especially categorially correlated ones such as qualisign, sinsign,
> legisign. However, it should be noted that there are passages in which
> Peirce calls trichotomies 'triads', and other passages by Peirce that
> make no sense unless one follows the 'triad'-versus-'trichotomy'
> distinction. I don't have the quotes handy but we've been over it many
> times. A separate issue is the one about whether the
> sign-object-interpretant triad is also categorially correlated trichotomy.
> Best, Ben
> On 10/1/2014 11:10 PM, Jeffrey Brian Downard wrote:
>> Hello Jon,
>> If you have links to the earlier discussions of the distinction between
>> "triadicities" and "trichotomies", I'd like to take a look.  In addition
>> to being interested in distinction you are making, I'd like to read more
>> about how you are thinking about the projection of the triadic relations
>> onto the mutually exclusive and exhaustive partitions of a domain.
>> In his monograph <Reading Peirce Reading>, Richard Smyth makes much of
>> the conceptions of the restrictions and limitations that apply to a
>> given domain of inquiry.  I'd like to see how your account of the
>> partitions of the domain compares to his reconstruction of some
>> arguments Peirce develops in "How to Make Our Ideas Clear."
>> Thanks,
>> Jeff
>> Jeff Downard
>> Associate Professor
>> Department of Philosophy
>> NAU
>> (o) 523-8354
>> ________________________________________
>> From: Jon Awbrey []
>> Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2014 7:44 PM
>> To: Peirce List 1
>> Subject: [PEIRCE-L] Re: Natural Propositions • Selected Passages

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