Helmut - individual integrity, which is both 2ns and 1ns, has
absolutely nothing to do with xenophobia.
Again, an individual unit, be it a crystal, molecule, cell, plant,
tree, human being, MUST have an 'individual integrity'; i.e., a clear
boundary between itself and the other[
Edwina, list,
I think I argee with you, only have or have had a different, probably wrong, definition of capitalism, including stamocap (state monopol capitalism). I am not against capitalism, if it grants the benefit you wrote about, and which is what I have meant by "free market":
" A benef
Stephen, list,
I think, that both integration and disintegration play valuable roles in a society. Integration, e.g. empathy, and laws, is necessary for team building and for function. Disintegration, e.g. separation of powers, freedom of speech and press, multiculturalism, and freedom to live o