Helmut, list
To say that 'A exists' - can be translated, I think, into a
syllogistic sentence of, for example: All men are biological
organisms. [with 'biological organism' understood as 'existing'.
So, that's a universal, ie, a law.
But, to declare that 'No
Edwina, List,
with "universally valid law " I meant the universe as domain, especially for the example, that "A exists" has the property of a law, 3ns, but "A doesn´t exist" does not have this property, is merely 2ns.
About the object you are right, and I was wrong. The dynamic object
> Op 1 februari 2021 om 17:03 schreef Helmut Raulien :
> Auke, Jon, John, Edwina, All,
> I don´t see, that a transparent universe is the critical point: Jon A.S.´
> example is valid in a transparent universe too:
The point is not if Jon's example is valid in a tra
Auke, Jon, John, Edwina, All,
I don´t see, that a transparent universe is the critical point: Jon A.S.´ example is valid in a transparent universe too: From "There is no unicorn that is not pink" , which is true, does not follow "Every unicorn is pink", which is not true, even or especially not