Gary, lists,

However I don't deny the reality of 1ns, my claim is that they must be 
abstracted in Locke's sense of partial consideration, which is similar if not 
identical to Peirce's notion of precission. Basically, I think the Frederik has 
it right. This is the argument I have been trying to make for some years now. 
It has implications for phenomenology or phaneroscopy concerning the nature of 
them as sciences that I believe to be important. Ultimately I think it is 
necessary for understanding Peirce's form of realism.


From: Gary Richmond []
Sent: April 26, 2015 8:38 PM
Cc: Peirce-L 1
Subject: [PEIRCE-L] Re: [biosemiotics:8478] Re: Natural Propositions,

Frederik, lists,

You write, "But pain involves secondness." No doubt. I had already written 
there is "certainly secondness involved" in my unexpected sudden eye pain 

But, unless one wants to deny the reality of 1ns, as apparently John would, 
then one must admit that pain--and, as Peirce says, each unique instance of 
pain--has its own distinct character, it's unique quality (firstness).

And are the three phenomenoloogical categories ever found apart from the others 
in reality? Peirce says no (although one may predominate).

So to say that pain involves secondess doesn't deny firstness at all as I see 



[Gary Richmond]

Gary Richmond
Philosophy and Critical Thinking
Communication Studies
LaGuardia College of the City University of New York
C 745
718 482-5690

On Sun, Apr 26, 2015 at 4:50 PM, Frederik Stjernfelt 
<<>> wrote:
Dear Gary, lists -
But pain involves secondness - it is not imagined pain - you refer to real pain 
which implies there's something actually acting in your eye - so it is not the 
pure quality, it is quality coupled with the insistence of secondness. Your 
blinking eye works in order to get rid of the existing particle, not only to 
address a quality of feeling. By the same token, pain involves thirdness - the 
complex of pain and blinking reflex has a purpose, that of cleaning your eye, 
and behind that is a biological habit acquired over millenia of selection. So 
the felt pain is only prescinded from this background ... that would be my 
version ...  Qualities without secondness are but possibilities ...

Den 26/04/2015 kl. 18.46 skrev Gary Richmond 


I experience qualities as such and often before I've labeled them x, y, or z. 
Walking along the street on a windy day a sharp dust particle hits my eye. 
Although there is certainly some secondness involved, I experience pain before 
I think 'pain'. Maybe other people do experience such things differently.



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