gatt and U.S. policy

1994-03-26 Thread Michael Perelman
A week or so ago, IATP posted in its news about our clean air laws violating GATT. Here is another: TELECOM BILL COULD VIOLATE GATT. Provisions in the Dingell-Brooks bill to allow the regional Bell companies to manufacture telecommunications equipment will be viewed as a violation of the General

gatt and U.S. policy

1994-03-26 Thread Michael Perelman
A week or so ago, IATP posted in its news about our clean air laws violating GATT. Here is another: TELECOM BILL COULD VIOLATE GATT. Provisions in the Dingell-Brooks bill to allow the regional Bell companies to manufacture telecommunications equipment will be viewed as a violation of the General


1994-03-26 Thread oman0005
>>My meager knowledge of art history reminds me that Michelangelo >>believed that the statue was alread containted in the marble; all he >>had to do was liberate it with his hammer and chisel. An early notion >>of embodied labor, if ever there was one. Roy >> >>Roy J. Rotheim


1994-03-26 Thread oman0005
>>My meager knowledge of art history reminds me that Michelangelo >>believed that the statue was alread containted in the marble; all he >>had to do was liberate it with his hammer and chisel. An early notion >>of embodied labor, if ever there was one. Roy >> >>Roy J. Rotheim

LTV: Responses to critics

1994-03-26 Thread Allin Cottrell
I shall first attempt to answer Steve Keen's questions. 1. Steve asks whether I would accept that what I have defended is really a Labor Measure of Value (LMV) rather than a Labor Theory of Value (LTV). No, I wouldn't. An LMV, as I understand it, is what you find in Smith's advocacy of labor *c

LTV: Responses to critics

1994-03-26 Thread Allin Cottrell
I shall first attempt to answer Steve Keen's questions. 1. Steve asks whether I would accept that what I have defended is really a Labor Measure of Value (LMV) rather than a Labor Theory of Value (LTV). No, I wouldn't. An LMV, as I understand it, is what you find in Smith's advocacy of labor *c

science and laws of value

1994-03-26 Thread Michael Perelman
Keep in mind that the German language has built-in pretention. Economics is known as a science in German. Germans, I believe, tend to think of laws. However, even Anglo-Saxon economists have been known to write of the laws of supply and demand. Do we hear much about that sort of language when

science and laws of value

1994-03-26 Thread Michael Perelman
Keep in mind that the German language has built-in pretention. Economics is known as a science in German. Germans, I believe, tend to think of laws. However, even Anglo-Saxon economists have been known to write of the laws of supply and demand. Do we hear much about that sort of language when

A Clarification

1994-03-26 Thread mcclintockbrent%faculty%Carthage
Trond Andresen has issued a couple of "not fairs" in response to my posts this week about "progressive international positions" (PIP) and "progressive nationalist positions" (PNP) in terms of economic strategy and the state. I apologize to Trond and others for some sloppy drafting on my part. I

A Clarification

1994-03-26 Thread mcclintockbrent%faculty%Carthage
Trond Andresen has issued a couple of "not fairs" in response to my posts this week about "progressive international positions" (PIP) and "progressive nationalist positions" (PNP) in terms of economic strategy and the state. I apologize to Trond and others for some sloppy drafting on my part. I

RE: Law of value

1994-03-26 Thread Michael Lebowitz
In Message Fri, 25 Mar 1994 11:54:22 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Cockshott) writes: >Jim Devine makes reference to Marx's Law of Value. > >I am not sure that Marx had a Law of Value. It is certainly part of >the language of Orthodox Marxism, one finds reference to it in >Stalin's Economic P

RE: Law of value

1994-03-26 Thread Michael Lebowitz
In Message Fri, 25 Mar 1994 11:54:22 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Cockshott) writes: >Jim Devine makes reference to Marx's Law of Value. > >I am not sure that Marx had a Law of Value. It is certainly part of >the language of Orthodox Marxism, one finds reference to it in >Stalin's Economic P