Re: Education and State 7 Sep

1994-09-07 Thread BILL MITCHELL
>I did not mean to indicate a moral defect in Alan's behavior. Part of the >equation is that children are held hostage in the war against public education. >We are faced with a conflict between being a good parent and a good citizen. Michael, i think i missed a posting as I cannot recall somet

Sangamon State University:Address?

1994-09-07 Thread NOHARAPA
Dear Progressive Economists: I am trying to contact John Munkirs who wrote The Transformation of American Capitalism, but don't know the address details of his university: Sangamon State University. Can anyone help please?? Email would help too! Yours In Anticipation. Phil O'Hara Phil O'Hara,

Money and crises

1994-09-07 Thread D Shniad
Trond, In the course of your discussion of the sources/causes of crises, you say that "Money as a necessary transport medium for production will to a gradually stronger degree be withdrawn from circulation in the productive sector, and instead circulate in the financial sphere." Unfortunate

Re: education & state

1994-09-07 Thread Marianne Bruen
I am delighted with and supportive of Virendra Singh's desire for a shift away from reform and toward replacement. Over ten years ago some students and I at the U. of Illinois invented a SBIP(socially beneficial information processor) d with which we w

Crisis theories

1994-09-07 Thread Michael J. Brun
I like Trond's second theory. In a stagnant economy, if lenders accumulate assets, then borrowers either lose assets or accumulate debts (or both). But can we find out from this dynamic why the economy has become stagnant? Here I'm not sure. Suppose a growing economy, meaning that output in

Re: Education and State

1994-09-07 Thread Michael J. Brun
Incentives were no more needed in the U.S. than in Norway as long as things were getting better. Competition may be needed as a substitute for morale when the cutbacks get severe and things get worse. If cutbacks continue for another ten years in Norway, competition will be the answer for eve

Re: Education and State

1994-09-07 Thread Trond Andresen
The school system in Norway is nearly purely public, and the general agreement is that it is quite good (it is being eroded somewhat now in Norway because of hard cuts done by a social-democrat government which is besotted by market liberalism). The rich seldom send their kids to special privat

Re: Education and State

1994-09-07 Thread DJ
On Wed, 7 Sep 1994, Mary Lou Mitchell wrote: > I attended aomeeting here in San Diego about this issue (broadcast on TV) > at which a priest chanted - capitalism is good (or was it god?) His > attitude seems prevalent. > > I agree that parental involvement is the key. If anything is clear

PEN-L Media Watch

1994-09-07 Thread GSKILLMAN
PEN'rs will want to be sure to catch George Will's column in the Sept. 5 issue of NEWSWEEK, in which he endorses without qualification right-winger David Frum's assertion (in the book _Dead Right_-- catchy!) that the major cause of US social pathologies such as disintegration of the family is..

No Subject

1994-09-07 Thread Vijay Chekuri
time. Thanks Vijay [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Education and State

1994-09-07 Thread Mary Lou Mitchell
The interesting thing in the discussion of privatization of public schools is how simplistic it is. (Wait . . . . What was I thinking of? This is America with a public school system that now seems directed to dumbing people so that they possess the skills employers want - no more and no less

Re: Education and State 7 Sep

1994-09-07 Thread Michael Perelman
I did not mean to indicate a moral defect in Alan's behavior. Part of the equation is that children are held hostage in the war against public education. We are faced with a conflict between being a good parent and a good citizen. Bill says that we can do both, but we all know that it is difficu

Re: Education and State 7 Sep

1994-09-07 Thread Alan G. Isaac
Michael, I understand your reaction, but it seems to miss the boat in several ways. First, isn't it the case that the affluent have always opted out? What is new is the increased interest of the middle class in opting out. However, even this is not really new. Public schools have never been equita

Re: population control

1994-09-07 Thread Eban Goodstein
I actually had a copy on my desk. I've edited my remarks into the form of a letter to the editor. Please consider it one. Thanks, eban In Message Wed, 7 Sep 1994 09:09:12 -0700, Marc Breslow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: >Eban Goodstein: >I don't know whether you saw our recent article on p


1994-09-07 Thread Doug Henwood
After reading that count, whatever the errors Gil points out, I've taken a vow of silence. Doug Doug Henwood [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Left Business Observer 212-874-4020 (voice) 212-874-3137 (fax)

Re: population control

1994-09-07 Thread Marc Breslow
Eban Goodstein: I don't know whether you saw our recent article on population control, but your comments would in fact make a good response to it, and if possible, I would like to publish some version of them in the next issue of the magazine. Please let me know if you might be interested. Than

Re: Education and State

1994-09-07 Thread Michael Perelman
Alan Isaacs illustrates how effective the privatization movement is. The state cuts back on education or some other private service. The service becomes stigmatized. The affluent opt for private substitutes. The public system then appears to be inefficient, so support builds to cut back on fun

Re: education & state

1994-09-07 Thread Virendra Singh
> > On Sun, 4 Sep 1994 20:03:45 -0700 Michael J. Brun said: > > > >I agree with both Jim Devine and Pete Bratsis that placing one's > >hopes in the state is dangerous. I ask only, what would be less > >dangerous? Jim asks for democratic control of the state by the > >people. But from both theo

Crisis mechanisms. Was:Underconsumption.

1994-09-07 Thread Trond Andresen
djones (what is your full name?) says: > It includes an > effective critique of underconsumption theory from a revolutionary > INTERNATIONALIST pt of view ()and a re-specification of the law of the > tendency of falling profit rate as an explanation of why capital > accumulation must take the


1994-09-07 Thread donna jones
It seems to me that much of the discussion has been about the status of marxian laws of tendency, in particular that of a rising organic composition of capital and the falling profit rate.(Provocative philosophical work on marxian laws has been done by DH Ruben in G Parkinson, ed; Kevin Brien; and

Re: Education and State

1994-09-07 Thread BILL MITCHELL
This is what happens when you write something to pen-l even though you know time is limited. someone or more give good replies and the snowball starts. but i will be brief and to the point (hopefully). To Allan - yes i have a daughter who was born when my spouse and myself were 17 years old. we