Re: readings on race and economics

1994-10-28 Thread Peter Bohmer
On Thu, 27 Oct 1994 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I realize that this question has come up in the past, but I haven't saved EVERY msg from Pen-L! Can someone recommend some good readings for advanced undergraduates on the the economics of race? I am interested in both readings on theories

Re: m H

1994-10-28 Thread Alan G. Isaac
On Thu, 27 Oct 1994 16:33:23 -0700 Robert Naiman said: (in response to my query: What literature?? The opposite seems to be the overwhelming conslusion of the people who work on this stuff. And use ) Biased sample. People who work on this stuff tend to be predisposed towards racialist

Re: The Hayek critique

1994-10-28 Thread Doug Henwood
Trond Andresen and Mike Lebowitz have both recently pointed to the undemocratic flow of information - which is tied in turn to the larger structures of society - in the failure of Soviet-style "socialism." Along these lines, in his book The Thinking Reed, written largely in the pre-Gorby era,


1994-10-28 Thread MÂȘ de Lourdes Mendicuti
Hy there: I need the productivity data of the basic grains, vegetables, fruits and other crops in USA for the last 10 years. Does anybody knows it, or knows how can I get it by line? Thank`s in advance. MA. DE

Re: Murray Herrnstein

1994-10-28 Thread buttrick
Remember that those who are able to discriminate gain at the expense of those who suffer the discrimination, i.e., it "pays" to discriminate. __ John Buttrick [EMAIL PROTECTED] Economics Dept.

responding to pen-l postings

1994-10-28 Thread Michael Perelman
The volume (and quality) of our communication is improving. One consideration to keep in mind: When you respond to a long message, try to edit out all but the relevant part of the message to which you are responding. It makes reading easier for the rest of us. -- Michael Perelman Economics

Re: racist riots

1994-10-28 Thread MYMEG
I was referring to what you euphemistically refer to as the civil disorders which followed the acquital of the the police officers who, in my view, unjustifiably and unlawfully beat Rodney King. Spontaneous expressions of racism, while by no means to be condoned, are, again in my view, less

Re: The Hayek critique

1994-10-28 Thread Fikret Ceyhun
Trond's comment implies that there exists "an optimal" rate of planning, just like an optimal tax rate or optimal tariff rate. These are mythical concepts, devoid of any applicability to real life situations. What really determines how much central planning/market guidance depend on the

Re: Credit scoring again??

1994-10-28 Thread Fikret Ceyhun
Bob, What do you mean by " any credit-scoring system be statistically sound"? My emphasis is on the "statistically sound." Fikret.

Re: Murray Herrnstein

1994-10-28 Thread Jim Devine
Ray Miller writes: ''RF's "conspiracy theory" of IQ testing is provocative, but falls to Occam's Razor. Why invoke such an elaborate explanation when a much simpler one will do. People have tried for years to develop and refine tests that will identify people who are good at things. They have

GATT Alert! 10-28-94

1994-10-28 Thread Kai Mander
/* Written 12:21 PM Oct 28, 1994 by kmander in */ /* -- "GATT Alert! 10-28-94" -- */ GATT Alert! Friday, October 28, 1994 HEADLINES: Dole May Seek Delay in GATT Vote Clothing Company Launches Anti-GATT Campaign

Low Intensity RAce War

1994-10-28 Thread D Shniad
Mike DAvis has a frightening article about what he describes as the low intensity race war that's being waged against blacks, Latinos and Asians in Orgne County, California. Sort of puts a perspective on what's really happening today. Sid Shniad

FYI- Info on the upcoming urpe at assa sessions - short

1994-10-28 Thread Susan Fleck
URPE at ASSA(Union for Radical Political Economics at Amer. Soc.Sci.Assocn.) In the cold of January, what better place to visit than the Washington Hilton Hotel in Washington, D.C.? "Why?" the uninitiated may ask. Because that is the locationof all of URPE's sessions at the January 6-8, 1995

LONG POST: list of sessions of urpe at assa

1994-10-28 Thread Susan Fleck
Union for Radical Political Economics sessionsat the January meetings of American Social Science Association in Washington, D.C. URPE AT ASSA SESSIONS, JAN 6-8, 1995. ALL SESSIONS HELD IN WASHINGTON HILTON HOTEL. SESSION DATE AND TIME IS POSTED CHRONOLOGICALLY, FOLLOWED BY ALL SESSIONS HELD