Re: US econ. stability

2003-03-31 Thread Robert Scott Gassler
Dear PEN-L: I'm vindicated! In one of the greatest unwritten articles of my career, I stated in the early 1980s that after the massive cuts in taxes and unemployment benefits (by taxing them) by the Reagan Administration, the next recession would be a doozy. (Doozey is defined by the NBER as a

SS in SBJ, 3/28

2003-03-31 Thread Seth Sandronsky
March 31, 2003 PEN-L: Greetings. In an effort to communicate beyond the anti-war choir, I got the editorial letter below in the March 28 edition of the Sacramento Business Journal. Seth Sandronsky

RE: Americans only recognise stars and stripes

2003-03-31 Thread Devine, James
Title: RE: [PEN-L:36323] Americans only recognise stars and stripes Ironically, given the title, I've heard that US troops do not display the stars and stripes openly, since they don't want to be seen as conquerors. Jim

Trying to locate a message.. Help..

2003-03-31 Thread e. ahmet tonak
Could someone help me to locate the email with an attached power point file about the economic cost of the first Gulf war, oil, etc.? I think I read it in PEN-L within last 10 days or so. Thanks. E. Ahmet Tonak Professor of Economics Simon's Rock College of Bard 84 Alford Road Great

Aljazeera pictures

2003-03-31 Thread k hanly
Here is a sample of the type of civilian casualty photos shown on Aljazeera. Cheers, Ken Hanly

the limits of free speech.

2003-03-31 Thread Devine, James
Title: the limits of free speech. March 31, 2003 NBC News Fires Arnett Over Iraqi TV Interview By JIM RUTENBERG/ N.Y. TIMES NBC News today fired Peter Arnett, a correspondent based in Baghdad, saying it was wrong for him to have given an interview with the state-run Iraqi TV in which he said

The first market missile

2003-03-31 Thread k hanly
This is from the CASI discussion list. Cheers, Ken Hanly Dear List It seems that the US and UK government are still claiming that the 28 March bombing of Shu'ala marketplace, which is being reported as having killed 62 peope, could have been the result of malfunctioning Iraqi air defence

Re: RE: Americans only recognise stars and stripes

2003-03-31 Thread k hanly
Title: RE: [PEN-L:36323] Americans only recognise stars and stripes Well other symbols are OK. Published on Saturday, March 29, 2003 by the Guardian/UKUS Army's Desert Filling Stations Add Fuel to Fireby Oliver Burkeman in WashingtonIn a war where public perceptions are arguably as important

Gas approval given

2003-03-31 Thread k hanly
Almost nothing is said about this. It is against the Geneva convention and would set a precedent. No doubt the US wants to determine the extent of its non-lethality. The Russian experience should give them some idea. Cheers, Ken Hanly

RE: The first market missile

2003-03-31 Thread Devine, James
Title: RE: [PEN-L:36341] The first market missile hey, the office building where I work was sold to us by Raytheon (which also produces high-tech landmines, BTW). It makes a fellow proud to be an Amurrican. Jim Devine [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Eric Margolis on Iraq war

2003-03-31 Thread k hanly
Margolis is a military analyst. He often appears on CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation). Margolis holds the distinctly minority position that the Iranians gassed the Kurds at Halabajah though he admits that Hussein used chemical weapons against them elsewhere. Cheers, Ken Hanly March 30,

Western Rationality

2003-03-31 Thread Sabri Oncu
As you may remember, I had kept bringing this over and over. To better understand what I meant, just look at the peoples of Iraq. Their behavior is hardly westernly rational. No Von Neuman-Morgenstein utility function can explain their behavior and their strategy is definitely not a Nash

Re: Western Rationality

2003-03-31 Thread joanna bujes
You're talking waaay over my head. They're defending their country against a foreign aggressor. As one Iraqui man put it We can't take this colonial stuff anymore. The pundits may need jargon; do we? What the Iraquis are doing seems absolutely rational as was the behavior of the Russians at

The De Genova affair

2003-03-31 Thread Louis Proyect
*** FOR IMMEDIATE PUBLICATION *** To the Editor: The Spectator, now for the second time in less than a year, has succeeded to quote me in a remarkably decontextualized and inflammatory manner. In Margaret Hunt Gram's report on the faculty teach-in against the war in Iraq (3/27/03), I am

Re: Western Rationality

2003-03-31 Thread Sabri Oncu
You're talking waaay over my head. They're defending their country against a foreign aggressor. As one Iraqui man put it We can't take this colonial stuff anymore. The pundits may need jargon; do we? What the Iraquis are doing seems absolutely rational as was the behavior of the Russians

support for war falls in UK

2003-03-31 Thread Chris Burford
A Yougov internet poll for the Daily Telegraph today shows a fall in the proportion ov those supporting the war from 59% four days ago to 52%. (Tony Blair had a surge of support for the war after it was announced.) Most expect the war to last months. The proportion against the war is only 26%

Score 5:5

2003-03-31 Thread Chris Burford
Score exactly evens in the number of British troops killed in action 5 by the Iraqis 5 by the US. Today one of the British soldiers said somewhat bitterly of a US pilot who killed the comrade in his patrol, I believe he was a cowboy. He had just gone out on a jolly. As recently as January

Billy Bragg

2003-03-31 Thread Devine, James
Title: Billy Bragg The Price Of Oil Voices on the radio tell us that we're going to war those brave men and women in uniform they want to know what they're fighting for. The generals want to hear the end game the allies won't approve the plan but the oil men in the white house they just

kill people and win more money

2003-03-31 Thread Ian Murray
Reuters Boeing, Bell get $192 mln for further Osprey work Monday March 31, 5:47 pm ET WASHINGTON, March 31 (Reuters) - The U.S. Navy on Monday said it had awarded a $192 million contract to Boeing Co. (NYSE:BA - News) and Textron Inc.'s (NYSE:TXT - News) Bell helicopter unit for further work on

RE: kill people and win more money

2003-03-31 Thread Devine, James
Title: RE: [PEN-L:36356] kill people and win more money these folks seem like they're nothing but allies of the Great Satan, Saddam himself, since they're so effective at wasting US taxpayer dollars and killing Marines. Jim Devine [EMAIL PROTECTED]

buying the Parties-State

2003-03-31 Thread Ian Murray
Former French Oil Chief Says Company Paid Millions to Political Parties By Pierre-Antoine Souchard The Associated Press Tuesday, April 1, 2003; 12:00 AM PARIS -- The former president of Elf Aquitaine testified Monday that the French oil giant paid about $5 million to French political parties

Downing Street concerned about Syria and Iran

2003-03-31 Thread Chris Burford
Downing Street had Andrew Marr, the BBC's lead political correspondent comment on the warnings given by the US government to Syria and Iran. Within the last 12 months Britain had the Queen meet the Syrian president, and the UK foreign minister, Jack Straw has put a lot of work in on Iran. Marr

pray for our leaders

2003-03-31 Thread Devine, James
Title: pray for our leaders Matt Bivens ( writes: Before this Administration came along, it was hard to imagine that something as intensely personal and private as a man's prayer before going into battle could be appropriated in a business-like fashion.

Re: pray for our leaders

2003-03-31 Thread Doug Henwood
Devine, James wrote: Friday's prayer cuts to the chase: Pray that the President and his advisers will recognize their divine appointment ... It includes some helpfully illuminating scripture, Romans 13:1: Every person is to be in subjugation to the governing authorities. For there is no

Re: Re: pray for our leaders

2003-03-31 Thread joanna bujes
Not to mention that divine appointment shit. Is that what happens when you don't actually get elected? Will they suspend the next election and just bring out the anointing oil? Motherfuckers. Joanna At 06:47 PM 03/31/2003 -0500, you wrote: Devine, James wrote: Friday's prayer cuts to the

new radio product

2003-03-31 Thread Doug Henwood
I've just added three shows to my radio archive * March 27, 2003 DH on politics and economics of war * contributors to Implicating Empire, on war, globalization, fundamentalism, and legitimacy: Heather Gautney (co-editor), Pete Bratsis, Michael

Re: buying the Parties-State

2003-03-31 Thread Michael Perelman
So French politicians are also pretty inexpensive. -- Michael Perelman Economics Department California State University Chico, CA 95929 Tel. 530-898-5321 E-Mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Halliburton makes money. Iraq provides clients.

2003-03-31 Thread k hanly
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Halliburton Co. has been awarded a $9.7 million contract to build an additional 204-cell detention camp at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba to hold additional suspected al Qaeda and Taliban prisoners, the Pentagon said on Friday. The move will expand the

US wages

2003-03-31 Thread Ian Murray
US wages divide is wider than ever David Teather in New York Tuesday April 1, 2003 The Guardian The gap between the earnings of America's chief executives and its average workers was wider than ever last year. This was despite a fall in profits and share prices and the cautionary tales of excess

contradictory spillovers

2003-03-31 Thread Ian Murray
Battlefield Is A Showcase for Defense Firms Arms Exporters Could Thrive On Televised Success in Iraq By Renae Merle Washington Post Staff Writer Tuesday, April 1, 2003; Page E01 When the war in Iraq winds down, the U.S. defense industry is likely to launch a major new offensive to sell its

Arnett to report for Mirror (UK)

2003-03-31 Thread Chris Burford
Arnett, one of the few US correspondents left in Baghdad, has been signed up to report for the fiercely anti-war Mirror Group of papers, in the UK. Unfortunately their web-site is not very good but he will still have an impact on perceptions within the countries of the hegemonic coalition.

Allies divided over battle for hearts and minds

2003-03-31 Thread Chris Burford
Cracks are appearing between British and American commanders which have serious implications for their future operations in Iraq. Senior British military officers on the ground are making it clear they are dismayed by the failure of US troops to try to fight the battle for hearts and minds.

I am starting to hate this country

2003-03-31 Thread Louis Proyect
CounterPunch March 31, 2003 Slaughter at the Bridge of Death US Marines Fire on Civilians By MARK FRANCHETTI Nasiriya, Iraq. The light was a strange yellowy grey and the wind was coming up, the beginnings of a sandstorm. The silence felt almost eerie after a night of shooting so intense it hurt

Bum advice

2003-03-31 Thread Louis Proyect
Analysis Advisers Split as War Unfolds One Faction Hopes Bush Notes 'Bum Advice' By Glenn Kessler and Walter Pincus Washington Post Staff Writers Monday, March 31, 2003; Page A01 The first 11 days of the war have brought back with a vengeance the deep splits that have long existed within the Bush

Seymour Hersh on the state of the war

2003-03-31 Thread Louis Proyect
The New Yorker, April 7, 2003 OFFENSE AND DEFENSE by SEYMOUR M. HERSH The battle between Donald Rumsfeld and the Pentagon. (clip) Perhaps the biggest disappointment of last week was the failure of the Shiite factions in southern Iraq to support the American and British invasion. Various

The Red Bear

2003-03-31 Thread Louis Proyect
What do you get when you insert the classic elements of a hood trying to go straight story into the backdrop of Argentina's economic collapse? The answer is A Red Bear (Un Oso Rojo), a film that is far more engaging than the average neo-noir flick out of Hollywood. It evokes a thousand other

Blood on the hands

2003-03-31 Thread Louis Proyect
Jimmy Breslin Blood Remains On the Hands NY Newsday, March 30, 2003 The least blood, a small squirt when removing a needle, two drops, that's all, no more than two drops, and suddenly it is everywhere. It remains after all. Wipe and it returns. Look about and it is in two and three places.

Arnet fired?

2003-03-31 Thread Dan Scanlan
This from an LA media group... - Hi. The item below in the first of many emails I'm starting to open. I just turned on the radio and hear Amy Goodman announcing that Peter Arnett has JUST been fired by NBC for giving this interview. She's now interviewing Jerry Quickly

Paul Berman

2003-03-31 Thread Louis Proyect
Paul Berman, who was the subject of a billing and cooing Ellen Willis piece in that I commented on recently, has an op-ed article in today's NY Times. ( Picking up where he left off in the 1980s as an apologist for the Nicaraguan