ATTN; Sir,

I got your contact address on my desperate search for
a reliable person/company for partnership investments
overseas. By introduction, I am Mr SOLOMON PHILLIP a
Sierra Leonean and son of late DR PHILLIP COLMAN .
the death of my father he disclosed to me about the
total sum of $22 million US dollars he deposited under
a suspense account with a bank in Abidjan C=F4te
This fund represent the huge Sales of Gold and Diamond
he diverted while in office as the director general
for Gold and Diamond Mining Co-Opretionin in Sierra
Leone .For security reason according to my late
father, he
made an agreement with the bank that his partner/
beneficiary will come forward to submit his banking
details for onward transfer of the fund to his
account. DR PHILLIP COLMAN , my late father advice me
in case if he died that I should look for a foreigner
who will stand as the beneficiary of the fund so that
the fund will be transfer to his/her account for
partnership investment. Right now, I am in Abidjan
Ivory Coast, home number 45 Lordkings Street Abdjain,phone 
number 00225 075 581 47 with my two sisters for the
purpose of
transferring this fund to a trustworthy account.
Meanwhile, I am writing to know if you can stand as
the beneficiary of the fund and to also provide me
your banking details so that I will submit it to the
bank for transfer of the fund for partnership
investment you will introduce in your country. Note
that after the transfer is made to your account, you
will then with draw some money and send to us in order
for me and my two sisters secure the necessary documents to
enable us come over to meet you for the investment. On
confirmation of your interest to assist us, the
of deposit with the lodgement receipt of the fund
which was issued to my late father by the bank on the
day he deposited the fund will be forward to you for
your confirmation. 10% of the total sum will be
to you for your assistance, while 2% will be set aside
for any expenses that might arise during the transfer.
Indicate your interest as soon as you received this
mail, and note that this transaction need to be

I await to hearing from you.



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