
1995-02-15 Thread AISAAC
A rare victory for the foia. --Alan G. Isaac LONG! Original message HOW THE INTERNET COMMUNITY DEFEATED AN ANTI-FOIA PROVISION IN THE PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT James Love, TAP (202/387-8030; [EMAIL PR


1995-02-07 Thread AISAAC
Those penners concerned about open access to government documents will have an interest in the following. --Alan G. Isaac Original message Distributed to TAP-INFO, a free Internet Distribution List (subscription requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

No Subject

1994-10-31 Thread AISAAC
This speech by Larry Summers may interest penners. (Long.) --Alan G. Isaac Original message Mr. Larry Summers talk to the Overseas Development Council 373 Lines Updated On:Wednesday, October 26, 199

No Subject

1994-10-28 Thread AISAAC
This may interest penners. --Alan G. Isaac Original message This is Oxford Analytica's assessement of Nigeria's economic and political crisis. NIGERIA: Economic Doldrums 192 Lines

Re: Real wages falling, Tyson brags

1994-04-05 Thread AISAAC
I would argue that attending to aggregate wage measures _understates_ the dramatic earnings trends, since those at the bottom of the wage structure have seen their hourly earnings decline fastest (and those at the top have seen rises). --Alan G. Isaac --From Doug Henwood's Original message