---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 6 Dec 1994 15:57:11 -0800 (PST)
From: Anibal Yanez-Chavez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Enrique Dussel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
    david myhre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: FWD>Censorship of Latino Sc (fwd)

Por si les interesa

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 6 Dec 1994 10:45:14 -0800
From: Joseph Cordero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Anibal Yanez-Chavez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
    Lionel Maldonado <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: FWD>Censorship of Latino Sc

                       Subject:                               Time:11:34 AM
  OFFICE MEMO          FWD>Censorship of Latino Scholar       Date:12/6/94

This is a very interesting situation. Jose

Date: 12/6/94 10:40 AM
From: Francisco Vazquez
Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 5 Dec 1994 23:51:45 -0800
From: Ronald William =3D?iso-8859-1?Q?L=3DF3pez?=3D II <[EMAIL PROTECTED]=
Subject: CBS reporting on 187

        This piece of news has yet to hit the press, to my knowledge, and
it may never do so in this country. But it's true, and hopefully we can get
it out.
        Late last week, Jorge A. Bustamante, the immigration scholar and
Director of Colegio de la Frontera Norte in Mexico was scheduled to appear
in an interview on the CBS news. During the interview, the interviewers
asked Bustamante if Mexico wasn't being hypocritical by criticizing the
U.S., when Mexican authorities harrass Central American refugees.
Bustamante replied that no, its not a parallel situation because Mexican
law does not discriminate against the Central Americans, and that the only
real precedent is Nazi Germany. This was a bit too much for the reporters,
who told Bustamante they didn't anticipate that remark (which just shows
that they didn't do their research), and as a consequence they decided not
to broadcast the interview.

        For additional perspectives and data that are frequently
suppressed, pay attention to the Mexican press, especially Excelsior, La
Jornada, and Proceso,  for articles and editorials by Jorge A. Bustamante
and others. A recent cartoon in Proceso shows Uncle Sam walking a dog that
is peeing on Cedillo's leg. Cedillo is carrying a briefcase marked 'Nafta',
and Uncle Sam is saying "Damn it Pete Wilson! Do you want to anger the
man?" ("Orale Pinche Wilson! Quieres que se enoje el se=F1or?") See the Nov=
14 Proceso for more articles.

        Does anybody have an address for CBS? We should protest this
censorship and demand a full airing of people's views on this matter,
especially when it regards a renowned immigration scholar like Bustamante!
Who knows what else they have suppressed!

        En la Lucha,

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