Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Why is everyone afraid of the eonic effect?

2001-06-10 Thread Lastmanthere
It is a bit hard to discuss anything after being unsubscribed. I will reply with this next email address, then switch to the next in a list of fifteen, once this one burns. Moral: don't bother to unsubscribe me. It won't work. As to bandwidth, give me a break. The total is about a few K. And I

A glimpse of evolution

2001-06-10 Thread Lastmanthere
Even now, I am probably being re-unsubscribed I will slip this in at high speed. Michael, you are lucky I read two of your books. If I didn't respect your work, you would be the victim of a melted marshmallow special. A final note answering XAH, who didn't realize I couldn't reply. The study of

Re: A glimpse of evolution Bye

2001-06-11 Thread Lastmanthere
Michael, I said I was done. AOL? This is an incredible overreaction, and I would point out a few things to AOL myself.  How about netzero? I even have Kmart's Chasing me away reflects badly on the list.  Overposting on the eonic effect. Nonsense. Three quarters of my posts were re

Re: not yet unsubscribed

2001-06-21 Thread Lastmanthere

Fwd: Darwin was innocent--but wrong. Debriefing Historical Darwinism

2001-06-24 Thread Lastmanthere
In a message dated 6/24/2001 4:34:14 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Nemonemini writes: Subject: Darwin was innocent--but wrong about history. Debriefing Historical Darwinism Comment on article below in Biomednet, "Darwin was innocent" LINK: The Eon