Re: On the necessity of socialism and grammar

2002-02-22 Thread Tom Walker
function of God is precisely to stand as other to all the common parts of speech and thus to remind us of the incompleteness, the inadequacy of any conceivable utterance. God is the unique grammatical term for the ultimate unutterableness of being. Tom Walker

Re: n the necessity of socialism and grammar

2002-02-22 Thread Tom Walker
. That too is inherent in the limitation of language. Tower of Babel and all that. Tom Walker

Re: on the necessity of god, goddess, gods, goddesses, or a combination of the above

2002-02-22 Thread Tom Walker
Jim Devine wrote, As far as I can tell, there's no logical argument either for or against the existence of god. I agree absolutely there's no logical argument for or against. My own position is based entirely and radically on grammar. Tom Walker

more total information awareness

2002-02-19 Thread Tom Walker
and policy makers in both friendly and unfriendly countries, military officials said. Tom Walker

Connect the dots . . .

2002-02-19 Thread Tom Walker
Clairtone, BCCI, Bre-X, Barrick, Enron, GenesisIntermedia . . . On second thought, don't connect the dots. You don't want to know. And don't ask me. I never heard of any of them. Tom Walker

Re: Axis of Evil: Poindexter

2002-02-18 Thread Tom Walker
their regrets. Tom Walker

A new kind of combat

2002-02-18 Thread Tom Walker
What Poindexter is up to. Tom Walker

preempting nefarious acts

2002-02-18 Thread Tom Walker
here's the latest on the John Firewall Poindexter caper: Feb 18, 2002, DARPA spokeswoman confirms appointment. Tom Walker

preempting nefarious acts II

2002-02-18 Thread Tom Walker
private information vendors and public libraries soon followed. At the same time, a wide range of other activities by the federal government further threatened to restrict access to information. Tom Walker

what is total information awareness?

2002-02-18 Thread Tom Walker
The Information Awareness Office (IAO) develops and demonstrates information technologies and systems to counter asymmetric threats by achieving total information awareness useful for preemption, national security warning and national security decision-making. Tom


2002-02-17 Thread Tom Walker
, but the grave the bonded drapers' hall and ware house. - Johann Christoph Männling, Theatre of Death, or funeral orations, 1692. Used by Walter Benjamin as a motto to his section on allegory and trauerspiel in Origin of German Tragic Drama (Ursprung des deutschen Trauerspiels) . Tom Walker

Axis of Evil: Poindexter

2002-02-17 Thread Tom Walker
Stavridou, a Darpa contractor and director of the Systems Laboratory at SRI International in Menlo Park, Calif. John is very well respected technically, she said. He understands these issues, and that makes him extremely valuable. Tom Walker

re:The next phase in the war against the axis of evil

2002-02-16 Thread Tom Walker
THE JUDGES FROM Russia, China, Poland and Ukraine represent an axis of cheaters, Mr. Bush said to a standing ovation in a special joint session Shouldn't that be the *axles* of evil? Tom Walker

Re: Question for Drewk

2002-02-16 Thread Tom Walker
of the IMF, leading to the conclusion that we need to do away with capitalism. At this point the audience broke out into spontaneous applause. Tom Walker

RE: left friendly poll -- accompanied by an oud?

2002-02-16 Thread Tom Walker
thousand and one adults pulls in some stirring narrative possibilities regarding sex, death and suspense. Tom Walker

Re: O Joy -- another sign of recovery

2002-02-14 Thread Tom Walker
Doug Henwood wrote, Just this morning, CNBC had a Chicago stock futures trader on who said that Enron was big news a few weeks ago, but now we've moved beyond that. That's because Enron is an allegory traders think in symbols. Tom Walker

O Joy -- another sign of recovery

2002-02-13 Thread Tom Walker
the total. As Max pointed out, the recent surge in 4th quarter GDP was in real terms, after adjusting for price deflation. That number included car sales bloated by 0% interest rates. Lies, damned lies and audited financial statements. Tom Walker

Re: O Joy -- another sign of recovery

2002-02-13 Thread Tom Walker
little different from recession. But there's not much point in ignoring the evidence. Tom Walker

Re: O Joy -- another sign of recovery

2002-02-13 Thread Tom Walker
Oncu wrote, By the way, I am saying these as a scientist, not as some leftist who wants revenge!... Tom Walker

Goobers of all nations unite!

2002-02-07 Thread Tom Walker
of peanuts. Tom Walker Bowen Island, BC 604 947 2213

The Pope of Arthur Andersen

2002-02-04 Thread Tom Walker
NYTimes Quote of the day: The reason I got involved is that Andersen is in big trouble and they were looking for someone to sprinkle some holy water on them. -PAUL A. VOLCKER JR. The articulate, mocking genius of capitalism strikes again. Tom Walker Bowen Island, BC 604 947 2213

Q4 Sunbeam

2002-01-30 Thread Tom Walker
* at the end of the recession tunnel. *Hint: Chainsaw Al, rebates, Arthur Andersen Tom Walker

RE: Q4 Sunbeam

2002-01-30 Thread Tom Walker
,but the price level went down more (3/10's%). We'rein a deflationary recovery. Will wonders never cease. Tom Walker


2002-01-29 Thread Tom Walker
Yahoo market overview: "Fears of accounting irregularities ruled the day today." Tom Walker

re: enron and the rate of profit

2002-01-27 Thread Tom Walker
decreased regulationand the defeat of labor. Enron and the bubble makes me think morein terms of fraud. Any thoughts on this? Tom Walker

re: predicting irrationality

2002-01-27 Thread Tom Walker
. . . And the New Thinking About Money Is That Your IrrationalityIs PredictableBy Steven PearlsteinWashington Post Staff WriterSunday, January 27, 2002; Page H01 Tom Walker

Re: enron and the rate of profit

2002-01-27 Thread Tom Walker
Would you agree that those limits are at least a contributing factor to the bursting of bubbles and the unravelling of Enrons? Jim Devine wrote, it seems to me that it's quite possible that the measured rate of profithas been high due to accounting tricks and the like. But there

re: the decline and fall of the arrogant?

2002-01-27 Thread Tom Walker
demise has discredited a vicious market ideology and givena boost to the anti-corporate causeMadeleine BuntingMonday January 28, 2002The GuardianIt's hard to overstate the enormity of the impact of Enron'simplosion. Tom Walker

The eyes-glazing-over-factor strikes again

2002-01-25 Thread Tom Walker
t;forget about Enron, forget about John Walker Lindh, let's hear more about this 'eyes-glazing-over-factor' thingy." Tom Walker

Re: From the Heartland

2002-01-24 Thread Tom Walker
program for use by unions in collective bargaining. It would also help immensely if people would pay a bit more attention themodest heap o'work that has already been done on the issue, like Anders Hayden's Sharing the Work, Sparing the Planet andAndre Gorz's Critique of Economic Reason. Tom

Produkte update

2002-01-24 Thread Tom Walker
The genius of capitalism personified, Kenny-boy,joins the sandwich parade: Tom Walker

Re: Progress: a photomontage

2002-01-23 Thread Tom Walker
quot;Nehme jede Arbeit an!", which translates as any work accepted. Tom Walker

Re: From the Heartland

2002-01-23 Thread Tom Walker
Gene Coyle wrote, We should take umbrage at anything over 3.0. I take umbrage where ever I can findit. Tom Walker

Re: From the Heartland

2002-01-23 Thread Tom Walker
to our advantage. I would say the time toraise the Time issue is when the economy is in what is ordinarilythought of as good shape. Tom Walker

Re: kidnapping nurses

2002-01-23 Thread Tom Walker
with a plane-load of fresh-faced nurses. I suspect it might all be part of the bigger plan to 'integrate' Canada into the U.S. health maintenance industry. See also the press release below. Tom Walker Michael Perelman wrote, The nurses do not exist in those numbers. He is grandstanding -- unless

Progress: from Spitzenprodukte to Genius

2002-01-23 Thread Tom Walker
Here's the Nehme jede ARBEIT an montage: Tom Walker

FYI: Enron prize winners

2002-01-20 Thread Tom Walker
Colin Powell Mikhail Gorbachev Nelson Mandela Eduard Shevardnadze Alan Greenspan Tom Walker

Enron prize winners: clarification

2002-01-20 Thread Tom Walker
Whoops! I hope no one confuses my signature line as being part of the list included in my previous message. I am not now, nor have I ever been a recipient of the Enron prize. Tom Walker

The equality/efficiency trade-off: empirical evidence

2002-01-17 Thread Tom Walker
agencies, investment bankers, lawyers and accounting standard-setters -- who operate and regulate our financial markets. The confidence of individual investors depends on honest, independent gatekeepers. Sadly, the collapse of Enron shows this system urgently needs reform. Tom Walker

capitalism as we want it to be

2002-01-16 Thread Tom Walker
Gene Coyle wrote, In my dreams I imagine that an alert CBS journalist immediately asked Lieberman "Just how DO you want capitalism to be?" And in my nightmares I can hear his answer. Wouldn't that just be where the Enronsgive 70% of their campaign contributions to the Demos? Or am I

Talking points for TV appearance on Four-day work week

2002-01-16 Thread Tom Walker
uot;? Presumably Ms. Collums was thinking of fresh air and "windows of opportunity". The image that comes to my mind, though, is of people jumping out the windows of a burning high-rise. Tom Walker

RE: The Enron Prize

2002-01-15 Thread Tom Walker
. To wina $20 million broadband services contract from Rice University inHouston, for example, Enron donated $5 million to the school, and KenLay's personal foundation kicked in another $3 million. Unreported wasthe fact that Rice dropped the contract soon after. Tom Walker

Re: crisis causes the end of capitalism?

2002-01-15 Thread Tom Walker
changed his politics, going from being an associate of Trotsky to being an editor of William F. Buckley's Joe McCarthyite NATIONAL REVIEW. Tom Walker

Re: Evil genius?

2002-01-15 Thread Tom Walker
ne is held in the grip of the 'argument from design.'" Perhaps, we could say O'Neill was trying tocover his ass by pointing the finger atan invisible hand. Or is that perhaps taking the notion of being 'in the grip of a picture' too graphically? Tom Walker

Two, three many geniuses

2002-01-15 Thread Tom Walker
ke things work; it is what Joseph Schumpeter called "creative destruction," i.e. the ability to drive out firms that cannot compete. The genius of capitalism is that it allows people to oppress themselves Although the genius of capitalism is indeed production, the genius of socialism is indeed distribution. Tom Walker

Safire on Arthur Andersen

2002-01-14 Thread Tom Walker
ng; asset-hiding; insider stock-dumping all these were supposedly beyond the ken of an audit committee and legal counsel blindly reliant on the ethics and standards of "professional" accountants." . . . Tom Walker

Evil genius?

2002-01-14 Thread Tom Walker
harnesses it to generate change in society. I would cheerfully argue that the genius of capitalism is that everything is tried and sometimes businesses get lucky and in effect roll 20 straight passes. Tom Walker

Enron, Arthur Andersen Co.

2002-01-13 Thread Tom Walker
damage control. But it also seems to me that the stakes are too high for damage control to be blithely accepted by all the players. According to the background piece inan NYT story on Enron, Lay originally was thinkingof the name "Enteron" until someone told him it meant intestines. Tom Walker

re: myth of the self-made man

2002-01-10 Thread Tom Walker
ischarge because of his rareadaptability of tact and skill. He is a bright and patriotic American in theprime of young manhood, frank, courageous, generous. a man who convinces youis thinking well of what he says and is never careless as to the impressionhe would convey. The judgment of such a man is entitled to respect." Tom Walker

Re:Query on Mutual insurance companies

2002-01-09 Thread Tom Walker
Carrol Cox asked: How do the controllers of a mutual insurance company make their money. I would imagine they worked extemely long hours and saved every penny they earned. Isn't that how everybody does it? Tom Walker

myth of the self-made man

2002-01-09 Thread Tom Walker
Deliberate or unconscious humour? Tom Walker

Re: Economics Insider Story

2001-12-26 Thread Tom Walker
ingle, coherent theory the neoclassical synthesis, as it was called that would dominate economic discourse for some three decades." Didn't they leave out a purportedly or two? Tom Walker

re:Hungary is number 1.0

2001-12-18 Thread Tom Walker
rank, not of absolute level of costs. All the percentile rankings tell is that production costs are lower in Hungary than in Japan. There's no way to tell from a percentile ranking what the ratio of production costs are. They could as easily be 99:100 as 1:100. Tom Walker

9/11 and the fall of 24/7

2001-10-04 Thread Tom Walker
downturn the industry has suffered since the terrorist attacks. Mr. Ritchie said Air Canada and the unions will meet with Ms. Stewart's deputy minister today to lay the groundwork to pitch the proposal. Tom Walker Bowen Island, BC 604 947 2213

RE: Woody Allen? on Bush vs bin Laden (fwd)

2001-09-26 Thread Tom Walker
Is there any way to confirm that Woody Allen said that? It's great. I also maintain that Oedipus Rex tells us a lot more about politics than the New York Times. Tom Walker Bowen Island, BC 604 947 2213

Have a nice day?

2001-09-26 Thread Tom Walker
No note was included. Tom Walker Bowen Island, BC 604 947 2213

Re: the state of the list

2001-09-26 Thread Tom Walker
. Tom Walker Bowen Island, BC 604 947 2213


2001-09-26 Thread Tom Walker
The IMF chief economist, Kenneth Rogoff, initially said a recession in the America was a 'done deal.' Tom Walker Bowen Island, BC 604 947 2213

Re: Not good

2001-09-24 Thread Tom Walker
my feelings. Tom Walker Bowen Island, BC 604 947 2213

Re: Insider trading

2001-09-23 Thread Tom Walker
. The obvious model would be the relationship between the Czar's secret police and terrorist organizations in Russia in the late 19th century and early 20th. Tom Walker Bowen Island, BC 604 947 2213

Re: Not good

2001-09-22 Thread Tom Walker
about traffic safety enforcement. What's wrong with that person going to the ICU after a major, avoidable freeway crash and saying this didn't have to happen. Do you have to call that gloating? Tom Walker Bowen Island, BC 604 947 2213

More gloating?

2001-09-22 Thread Tom Walker
. What really happens when you shift risks is that the vulnerabilities appear elsewhere. Tom Walker Bowen Island, BC 604 947 2213

More pissing

2001-09-22 Thread Tom Walker
of principles is code for dogma. It is the same old dogma that drove us off the cliff. It's time for something different. Sorry if Doug thinks that saying so is gloating. Tom Walker Bowen Island, BC 604 947 2213

deja vu all over again

2001-09-22 Thread Tom Walker
, (they) speculated, cashed out and pocketed the difference, a U.S. investigator said. It was not an accident. Tom Walker Bowen Island, BC 604 947 2213

Not good

2001-09-21 Thread Tom Walker
The patriotic rally following Bush's speech doesn't appear to be materializing. European markets slid 7%. NASDAQ gapped down nearly 6% at the opening. SP down 4%. Investors seem to be shouting (with their money), Hell no, we won't go! Tom Walker Bowen Island, BC 604 947 2213

Re: Not good

2001-09-21 Thread Tom Walker
EMH? LPT? Tom Walker Bowen Island, BC 604 947 2213

Soothing platitudes from Chairman Has-been decoded

2001-09-20 Thread Tom Walker
and unproductive. Shopping is productive labor. Watching TV is unproductive. Tom Walker Bowen Island, BC 604 947 2213

Re: Britain/US split?

2001-09-20 Thread Tom Walker
Rob Schaap wrote, The politics of floating signifiers, for mine. dem bones is fossils. Tom Walker Bowen Island, BC 604 947 2213

NAIRU fiddles while Rome burns

2001-09-20 Thread Tom Walker
of the victims were consulted at Rome three hundred years after Cicero had remarked, that the two augurs could no longer examine them without laughter. -- J.B. Say Tom Walker Bowen Island, BC 604 947 2213

more decoding . . .

2001-09-20 Thread Tom Walker
the city was burning, Nero had gone on his private stage and, comparing modern calamities with ancient, had sung of the destruction of Troy. Tom Walker Bowen Island, BC 604 947 2213

Re: Airline bailout

2001-09-19 Thread Tom Walker
(the soft landing?) and put more money (a lot) into high speed rail for medium distance travel. Tom Walker Bowen Island, BC 604 947 2213


2001-09-19 Thread Tom Walker
, this construction worker said, that on at least two occasions during the day, I turned around and happened to see men in business suits with color patches in their lapels-the color was the same on both men, and they were shouting orders to the workers. Tom Walker Bowen Island, BC 604 947 2213

Re: Airline bailout

2001-09-19 Thread Tom Walker
. Tom Walker Bowen Island, BC 604 947 2213

Garbanzos for peace!

2001-09-19 Thread Tom Walker
Small Planet Fact (from the back of a falafel mix box): The grain and soybeans eaten by U.S. livestock could feed more than ONE BILLION human beings. [italic emphasis in original] Tom Walker Bowen Island, BC 604 947 2213

Adam Smith on the WTC

2001-09-19 Thread Tom Walker
to promote an end which was no part of his intention. Tom Walker Bowen Island, BC 604 947 2213

Re: what's going on

2001-09-19 Thread Tom Walker
Michael Perelman wrote: Can you imagine an unemployed worker asking for a bailout? Asking, sure. Getting is another matter. Isn't that why it's called capitalism and not unemployed workerism? Tom Walker Bowen Island, BC 604 947 2213

Sluggish in September

2001-09-19 Thread Tom Walker
``continued to ease'' in most parts of the country and wage pressures softened. Tom Walker Bowen Island, BC 604 947 2213

Re: Garbanzos for peace!

2001-09-19 Thread Tom Walker
Yoshie: Give peas a chance! Don't you mean chick peas a chance? Tom Walker Bowen Island, BC 604 947 2213

Re: what's going on

2001-09-19 Thread Tom Walker
Max wrote, Airline bailout is a done deal. Other industries -- tourism, for instance, are starting to line up. This time around there won't be any left for the hedgies. Maybe that explains why they're intent on maintaining investment discipline. Tom Walker Bowen Island, BC 604 947 2213

re: what's going on

2001-09-19 Thread Tom Walker
Ian Murray asked, Any guesses as to what will happen when the Fed pulls all the liquidity back out of the markets? Ever try to pour steam into a bottle? Tom Walker Bowen Island, BC 604 947 2213

Dead Cat Leaps to Feet

2001-09-19 Thread Tom Walker
It is. . .only a modest move but at this point any kind of uptick is encouraging. Tom Walker Bowen Island, BC 604 947 2213

Re: UN Resolution 1333

2001-09-19 Thread Tom Walker
Ken Hanly asked: Will some websites be shut down? Enjoy it while you can, Ken. I'm surprised the free-for-all has been allowed to go on as long as it has. Maybe counter-intelligence still has some unused disk space to write to. Tom Walker Bowen Island, BC 604 947 2213

Crusader Rabbit

2001-09-19 Thread Tom Walker
. Tom Walker Bowen Island, BC 604 947 2213

Dead Metaphors Society II

2001-09-18 Thread Tom Walker
of depletion advancing at a fast rate, and it is also an indicator that the Saudi's may have been forcing the pace of production in order to keep world oil prices low, because the plain fact is that the balance between global supply and demand has been very tight. Tom Walker Bowen Island, BC

No sweat, no blood, no tears, no Churchill

2001-09-18 Thread Tom Walker
QUOTE OF THE DAY = I want him I want justice. And there's an old poster out West, as I recall that said: 'Wanted: Dead or Alive.' -PRESIDENT BUSH. Tom Walker Bowen Island, BC 604 947 2213

Feddler on the roof

2001-09-18 Thread Tom Walker
that it was patriotic to be bullish. - Wall Street Reopens; Stocks Slide, but Do Not Crash Stock prices plummeted seconds after the opening bell but never succumbed to the frenzied selling that government and business leaders had worked hard to avoid. Tom Walker Bowen Island, BC 604 947 2213

Good news! Light at end of tunnel!

2001-09-18 Thread Tom Walker
it. Tom Walker Bowen Island, BC 604 947 2213

All for naught?

2001-09-18 Thread Tom Walker
international banks and on news that Afghanistan's ruling Taliban was threatening a holy war against the United States. Tom Walker Bowen Island, BC 604 947 2213

From paper dollar to vapor dollar

2001-09-18 Thread Tom Walker
discount rate to one-tenth of one percent. Exchange controls, anyone? Tom Walker Bowen Island, BC 604 947 2213

Re: Feddler on the roof

2001-09-18 Thread Tom Walker
large number of people in Birkenstocks milling around their brokers' offices Tues. Tom Walker Bowen Island, BC 604 947 2213

Dead Metaphors Society

2001-09-17 Thread Tom Walker
soft landing for the economy Tom Walker Bowen Island, BC 604 947 2213

All out-bid

2001-09-17 Thread Tom Walker
for reality. In that case we are in big trouble -- militarily, economically and socially. Tom Walker Bowen Island, BC 604 947 2213

Fireman Al pisses on towering inferno . . .

2001-09-17 Thread Tom Walker
last week. Tom Walker Bowen Island, BC 604 947 2213

Re: Fireman Al pisses on towering inferno II

2001-09-17 Thread Tom Walker
are weighted mainly toward conditions that may generate economic weakness. In taking the discount rate action, the Federal Reserve Board approved requests submitted by the Boards of Directors of the Federal Reserve Banks of Richmond, Chicago, Minneapolis, Dallas, and San Francisco. Tom Walker

Released so they could be monitored

2001-09-17 Thread Tom Walker
under that country's Prevention of Terrorism Act, but later released so they could be monitored, the paper reported. Tom Walker Bowen Island, BC 604 947 2213

re: military keynesianism

2001-09-17 Thread Tom Walker
and hubris of the ruling class. Read about it in Oedipus Rex. But the first dupes of THAT conspiracy are the rulers themselves. If Dubya murdered his dad and is sleeping with his mom, he'd be the last to know. Tom Walker Bowen Island, BC 604 947 2213

Re: military keynesianism II

2001-09-17 Thread Tom Walker
soon be grass in a Western glasnost, if you'll pardon the alliteration. Tom Walker Bowen Island, BC 604 947 2213

Re: shopping the logic of capital

2001-09-16 Thread Tom Walker
doesn't need to be chanted. That logic is: no justice, no war. Quid pro quo. Tom Walker Bowen Island, BC 604 947 2213

Re: shopping the logic of capital

2001-09-16 Thread Tom Walker
Jim Devine wrote, I wonder if the Bushwackers will try to pull off their sweeping, sustained, and effective war against terrorism with a large reserve army of labor and the current degree of inequality of sacrifice. Hard for me to imagine anyone that stupid. Tom Walker Bowen Island, BC 604


2001-09-14 Thread Tom Walker
going on. Kiosks don't allow for that. The only human interaction a passenger without baggage has is with the gate agent, and the gate agent is usually too rushed to pay attention to who you are. An increased security role for CSSA's is also increased job security. It's also common sense. Tom

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