> I consider myself a patriot, and I even admire a lot
> of aspects of American elite history, but I'm not
> offended by Zinn's deflationary approach, and it
> mystifies my why many self-styled social democrats
> and
> liberals are. It's not at all in the same category
> as
> raving about fascist Amerikkka. Besides, far as I
> know
> no one really questions Zinn's accuracy and
> scholarship except for an incidental detail here and
> there, isn't that right?

Speaking of social democratic renegades, Sidney Hook
was fond of quoting something Morris Cohen used to say
when he was accused of being too negative:  "You will
recall that among the labors of Hercules he was
required to clean out the Augean stables. He was not,
let me point out, required to fill them."  That's all
that really needs to be said in defense of Zinn's
approach.  It would be a shame if PHUS were the last
critical work on US history read by a would-be
radical, but I see nothing wrong with it being the

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