[PEN-L:1196] Re: Gilder's delusions

1995-10-31 Thread jones/bhandari
In reply to Dr. Orcutt: 1. In *Backdoor to Eugenics* Troy Duster argues precisely that by "crying wolf" about an explict race-based program of genocide, we will miss the 'backdoor' mechanisms (genetic screening for socially constructed diseases, for example) by which it will be carried out. Rec

[PEN-L:1172] Re: Gilder's delusions

1995-10-30 Thread jones/bhandari
Gilder's delusions are this nation's spectacles. My first and totally ignored post on the MMM ('the cult of the male')pointed out the link between Farrakhan and the 'independent' right as I quoted from Gilder's Men and Marriage, critically reviewed by the way in a helpful comparative study of B

[PEN-L:1108] economic decline/help

1995-10-25 Thread jones/bhandari
I am reading the former finance editor of Business Week Jeffrey Madrick's The End of Affluence: The Causes and Consequences of America's Economic Dilemma--a short, non-specialist overview of the US economy. Madrick advances an interesting claim (actually it could be taken as an indictment of the

[PEN-L:1107] Re: Two questions, an extract, a note, a hypothesis and a

1995-10-25 Thread jones/bhandari
Alan argued that a low pound would be preferred by a bloc of capital of hi-tech manufactured products. Of course, this would be a boon to exports but an overly devalued currency would also tend to erode the very superprofit or technological rent which this bloc seeks to garner on the world market

[PEN-L:923] Re: Economics texts for undergraduates

1995-10-14 Thread jones/bhandari
I am a non-economist, a grad student in Ethnic Studies actually. I was quite impressed by James Galbraith's book Balancing Acts and later discovered that he has written a macroeconomics textbook with William Darity (Houghton-Mifflin, 1994). From what I have read so far (the special section on "Ke

[PEN-L:890] The Cult of the Male

1995-10-13 Thread jones/bhandari
Perhaps some of you remember George Gilder, the author the manifesto for the Reagan Revolution Wealth and Poverty. Here is his interpretation of underclass pathology and his support for the Nation of Islam. I quote from the chapter 'Ghetto Liberation' from his book Man and Marriage (Gretna, LA:

[PEN-L:663] Re: Time's Review of "The End of Racism"

1995-10-05 Thread jones/bhandari
Dinesh D'Souza is a Christian from Goa, I would suppose. He appeals to the self-conception of the 'self-made' professionals who have made South Asians in the US one of the richest (and most stratified) ethnic groups. This is not to say that most South Asians have heard of him, much less read hi

[PEN-L:556] capital goods/knowledge

1995-09-27 Thread jones/bhandari
To connect threads, let me note that there may a connection between the increasing importance of "knowledge" and the increasing strategic importance of capital goods in US exports (Anthony has noted that machine tools have declined in importance, but this *may* indicate that US is only increasing

[PEN-L:534] capital good exports

1995-09-27 Thread jones/bhandari
In hopes of eliciting help from those with substantial understanding of things economic (I am a grad student in the Ph.D Group in Ethnic Studies at UC Berkeley), here is a summary and some questions on Andrew M Warner, "Does World Investment Demand Determine US Exports?", American Economic Review

[PEN-L:102] Re: Waterworld

1995-08-03 Thread jones/bhandari
I have not seen Waterworld, but I think all of you are way off on your interpretation. Let me go back to Louis' initial message (reproduced below). Isn't it obvious to you that the film is nothing but propaganda for Alvin Toffler's and George Gilder's (and their idiot child Gingrich's)stategy t

[PEN-L:5869] Re: Grossmann

1995-07-16 Thread jones/bhandari
Some short replies to John Ernst's much appreciated post about Grossmann about whom by the way there is an article in the current Science and Society, vol 59, no 2 by Rick Kuhn: "Capitalism's Collapse: Henryk Grossmann's Marxism." First, I agree with John's argument that the mass of surplus va

[PEN-L:5836] Re: extended reproduction question

1995-07-13 Thread jones/bhandari
>The extended reproduction of capital requires that the costs involved >in capital goods production fall faster than the costs of consumer >goods production. Revolutions in the value of fixed capital may be more likely given the particular threat of overproduction in this sector. To jump ahead,

[PEN-L:5777] Re: international labor migration

1995-07-03 Thread jones/bhandari
Jerry Levi recommended >Marios Nikolinakos POLITISCHE OKONOMIE DER GASTARBEITER-FRAGE: MIGRATION > UND KAPITALISMUS, Hamburg, Rowohlt, 1973 An article by M Nikolinakos was translated into English as "Notes towards a general theory of migration in late capitalism", Race and Class, XVII, 1 (1975

[PEN-L:5771] Re: Information on Intl. Labor Migration

1995-07-02 Thread jones/bhandari
>, I would much appreciate tips from people >on recent good work on the left on immigration. I would welcome >both literature references and names of people. I am interested >in the issue from the perspective of the U.S. labor market, but >by no means exclusively that. I am sure that Robert P

[PEN-L:5746] Re: jobs held by A_A women?

1995-06-28 Thread jones/bhandari
I remember coming across an volume edited by Julianne Malveaux on the working and general living conditions of African-American women. The title, I believe, is Slipping Through The Cracks. I do not know if any of the authors will answer your specific question. Rakesh Bhandari >An epidemiolog

[PEN-L:5285] list help

1995-06-04 Thread jones/bhandari
Hello, My computer crashed sometime back, and I lost the instructions on how to unsubscribe temporarily from this list. I would appreciate if someone could forward to me the instructions as soon as possible. Thank you very much, Rakesh Bhandari UC Berkeley

[PEN-L:5222] Re: defining the poverty line

1995-05-26 Thread jones/bhandari
Stalin's chief economist Varga's conceptualization of poverty was challenged in tenth plenum of the Bosheviks in 1929 by Otto Kuuisinen. Kuuisinen suggested that Varga remained beholden to bourgeois economics. Here is an overview of the challenge from Richard B Day's "'The Crisis' and the 'Cra

[PEN-L:5207] Re: Shameless TQMers

1995-05-24 Thread jones/bhandari
> >Comparing Gandhi's work with the poor to business executives >hanging out with their customers seems a bit of a stretch! The >consultants who write this kind of crap really seem to have no shame. Neither did the Mahatma; there has been a lot of scholarship on his role in demobilizing pro

[PEN-L:5171] Re: Trade Sanctions

1995-05-21 Thread jones/bhandari
I think Jerry Levy is right: the attempt to open up the Japanese market is key. Isn't this what Laura Tyson has argued is the primary problem in US trade relations with Japan? But why the emphasis on the Japanese market? Is it in fact more closed the French, German or Italian market? Is Clinton

[PEN-L:5149] technological change and Africa today

1995-05-19 Thread jones/bhandari
In Trade, Development and Foreign Debt (London: Pluto Press, 1992) Michael Hudson explains the polarization tendencies in the world economy, so devastatingly demonstrated in Africa this decade: "The preceding pages have established that economic obsolescence in less developed countries is a dir

[PEN-L:4959] Re: popular economics books

1995-05-04 Thread jones/bhandari
I am not an economist. I would recommend Walter Daum, The Life and Death of Stalinism: A Resurrection of Marxist Theory (New York: Socialist Voice Publishing Co., 1990)$15pb. PO Box 3573, Church Street Station, NY, NY 10008-3673. For the following reasons: 1)conceptual clarity: the basic conc

[PEN-L:4940] Re: profit-rate equalization

1995-05-03 Thread jones/bhandari
Patrick Mason wrote: > Some Marxist have argued that the >twin forces of competition and accumulation -- and the accompanying process >of capital mobility-- does produce a tendency towards equal profitability >(after accounting for systemic differences in risk) as capitals continuously >seek "su

[PEN-L:4765] new mercantalism

1995-04-19 Thread jones/bhandari
Reproduced below is an absoutely brilliant analysis of "the ratio of dynamic to stagnant sectors" in an individual nation. The analysis comes from Tilla Siegel who I believe is now a Prof (or perhaps Chair) of Sociology at the Goethe University at Frankfurt. I am hoping it will provoke discussi

[PEN-L:4566] Kondratiev in the WSJ

1995-04-01 Thread jones/bhandari
BTW, The WSJ article Gene Coyle mentioned made optimistic use of the Kondratiev idea: "perhaps the most reassuring evidence for a middle-class surge is that it has has happened before. Around 1900, the US also faced what economists called a 'productivity paradox': Big electrical generators had b

[PEN-L:4541] Schumpeter/Marx

1995-03-30 Thread jones/bhandari
I need help understanding an argument by Riccardo Bellofiore who argues here that both Classical and neo-Classical economics has no real theory of endogeneous structural development (Schumpeter is the lone successful bourgeois success who for Bellofiore even outdoes most Marxists). Is this true?

[PEN-L:4524] Re: today's Wall St. Journal

1995-03-30 Thread jones/bhandari
Gene Coyle called for discussion on the following article >Today's Wall Street Journal (3/29) had two interesting features. On >the front page was "Middle Class's Fears About Coming Years Might Be >Misguided." It argues that there is good reason to believe that living >standards will get be

[PEN-L:4088] race and economics

1995-02-09 Thread jones/bhandari
Flipping through some early issues of RRPE, I came across some interesting pieces by Marc Aldrich and Robert Cherry about racial assumptions in some economic theory and the racism of some economists. I would like to follow through on such work (I am doing a Ph.D. in Ethnic Studies). Can anyone h

[PEN-L:3814] Re: exports

1995-01-17 Thread jones/bhandari
I appreciate Doug's correction to what I have posted. I misspoke. There is indeed no drift to protectionism in the neo-colonial world. There may indeed be a need for a drift towards certain kinds of protectionism (which is Raghavan's argument), and towards the demonstration of such need, th

[PEN-L:3797] Re: exports

1995-01-17 Thread jones/bhandari
On the importance of exports to a late capitalism, see Henryk Grossmann's 1929 discussion of "foreign trade and the sale of commodities at prices of production deviating from their values." Grossmann's Law of Accumulation and the Breakdown of the Capitalist System has been translated and abridge

[PEN-L:3646] Power and Method

1995-01-08 Thread jones/bhandari
>Subject: [PEN-L:3625] Power and Method > >Re Feldman's inquiry I do remember as stimulating William Buxton's Talcott Parsons and the Capitalist Nation-State. Instrumentalist in argument, Buxton attempts to prove a connection between social scientific practice and the legitimation of the A

[PEN-L:3560] Re: New Party's...

1994-12-30 Thread jones/bhandari
It was mentioned that we should turn to Jesse Jackson for leadership in a new national contract. Adolph Reed, Jr. has written an excellent critique of Jackson--The Jesse Jackson Phenomenon, in which the relationship between Black leadership and the Black masses is incisively discussed. Though th

Re: Bell Curve Question

1994-11-08 Thread jones/bhandari
I would recommend looking up Professor Troy Duster at the Dept of Sociology and the Institute of Social Change at UC Berkeley. He has written Backdoor to Eugenics. >The discussion on the Bell Curve has been very interesting to follow. Could >someone point me in the direction of someone who wo


1994-11-08 Thread jones/bhandari
I have been reading Wolfgang Stolper's new biography on Schumpeter (Joseph Alois Schumpeter: the public life of a private man), and it led me to think that, instead of all being Keynesians, we are now all Schumpeterians. Let me quote two short passages from Stolper on the dynamics of wages a


1994-10-26 Thread jones-bhandari
In a very sympathetic review of Herrstein and Murray in Forbes (10/24/94), Peter Brimelow reads their book as a four-pronged critique of social policy: 1. a critique of the welfare system as it subsidizes birth among low IQ women 2. a critique of federal educational programs in that they overinv


1994-10-22 Thread jones-bhandari
I am hoping that we can use this line to think through our responses to Murray and Herrenstein's latest "research". I want to raise here two points: their concern with differential birth rates and the critique of positivism. For those of you whose appreciation for the delete key grows as my p

malthus and exploitation

1994-10-15 Thread jones-bhandari
I needed help on the following: neo malthusianism and the dynamics of the rate of exploitation. 1. the Malthusianism specific to a late capitalism "An author like Malthus, who used underconsumption theory during this period [during the battle with the rural aristocracy] as an apologist for unpr