I subscribed PEN-L a week ago and was requested to give a self-introduction to all PEN-Lers.I have a lot to say about myself and about the topics that you are talking,but I am not good at writing.Fortunately,Louis Proyect's review about "Not One Less"[cf.PEN-L16668 of Ken Hanly's Re:Not One Less]has solved my problem.
Like Zhang Huike and Wei Minzhi,I am from a remote village(much more remote than that of Zhang's).Fortunately again,I became the ONE from the hundreds and came into Peking University(one of the most famous universities in China)20 years ago,which means I will be an "urbanman" when I graduate.
I think the reviewer has well understood the movie in details,but I don't yet agree with his conclusion--" as long as directors like Zhang Yimou are given a platform in China, there is evidence that the revolutionary spirit has not been vanquished."--"the revolutionary spirit"has never been vanquished in China,but it has extinguished itself whether directors like Zhang Yimou are given a platform or not.In other words,"the revolutionary spirit" has nothing to do with directors like Zhang.I think Zhang Huike and Wei Minzhi and I and someone else are still keen on socialism, but I am very skeptical of revolution\Soviet\Planning economic institutions as the appropriate way to reach it.
Anyway,a movie is just a movie and a socialist has lots of things to do before the real socialism(not the bloody planning economy) comes.By the way,Wei Minzhi wants to become an actress now.Is this from her "class instinct"? 
Economics Department
National School of Administration
People's Republic of China

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