The participants in this discussion might be interested to know that
is an initiative to launch an ATTAC group in Britain.  As a first
the UK chapter of the Friends of Le Monde diplomatique is organising a
large public meeting in London on 17 November to test the waters, to
if there is a space for ATTAC in this country.  We therefore urge all
those who are interested in this idea to attend and to share their
If you want a British ATTAC, please come and say how you want it to
and what you want it to do.  If you just want to learn more, there
will be
workshops on many different subjects that relate to ATTAC's campaigns,
such as the Tobin Tax, Third World Debt, the World Trade Organisation,
so on.

Details can be found at .  I'm taking the liberty
including the full announcement below.

Benjamin Geer
Friends of Le Monde diplomatique


Public meeting: "A.T.T.A.C. in Britain: Why and How?"

ATTAC is the Association for the Taxation of financial
Transactions for the Aid of Citizens.

Saturday, 17 November 2001, 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.

Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London WC1 (Holborn Tube),

Entrance £2


Jacques Nikonoff (ATTAC France)
Conor O'Briain (ATTAC Ireland)
America Vera-Zavala (ATTAC Sweden)

Barry Coates (World Development Movement)
Ann Pettifor (Jubilee Plus)
Steve Tibbett (War on Want)

Workshop Topics: Tobin Tax, Third World Debt, Ecological Debt,
WTO, GATS, TRIPS, IMF & World Bank, Financial Crime, Organisation
of Social Movements... and samba.

Is there a space for ATTAC in this country?

ATTAC is an international network of independent national and
local groups in 26 countries.  It promotes the idea of an
international tax on currency speculation (the Tobin Tax) and
campaigns on other issues such as tax havens, pension funds,
Third World debt and, more generally, the question of how to
recapture the democratic space that has been lost to the
financial world.

ATTAC combines activism with the work of a think tank.  It
promotes practical economic reforms meant to tame the devastating
power of the financial markets, and to favour democratic,
transparent economic structures that serve the needs of ordinary
people. Its scientific committees make alternative proposals in
response to neoliberal policies, and educate ATTAC's members so
they can make informed responses.  ATTAC is independent from all
political parties, and brings together labour unions, non-profit
associations, MPs, academics and citizens from all walks of life,
in education and peaceful action.

Organisations supporting the meeting: Bretton Woods Project,
Friends of the Earth, Forum for Stable Currencies, Jubilee Plus,
New Economics Foundation, Oxfam, Positive News, War on Want,
World Development Movement

Individuals supporting the meeting: Tariq Ali, Harry Barnes MP,
Tony Benn, Jeremy Corbyn MP, Glyn Ford MEP, Chris Keene
(Anti-Globalisation Network), Caroline Lucas MEP, George Monbiot,
Alan Simpson MP

International website:
UK website:
Press contact: Marcus Bischoff, 07855 193 406

Please forward this message widely.

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