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Date:          Wed, 11 Nov 1998 16:17:55 -0500
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From:          christopher chase-dunn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:       [Fwd: FWD: End the silence: U.S. should bring Pinochet to justice

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Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 19:40:15 -0800 (PST)
From: Maurice Zeitlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: FWD: End the silence: U.S. should bring Pinochet to justice (fwd)
To: Susan Eva Eckstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, David Lopez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        Cesar Ayala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        Christopher Chase-Dunn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        Bill Ketter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        Baruch Kimmerling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        Lucy Komisar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        Clarence Lo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        "Emanuel A. Schegloff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        Cherilyn Parsons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        Ian Roxborough <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        Joanne Fox Przeworski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        Iris Roncarati <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        Melody Steffey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        Judith Stepan-Norris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        Office of the Americas Teresa and Blase Bonpane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        Ericka Verba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Victor Wallis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        Jean Whitworth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        Maurice Zeitlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        Bob Brenner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        Pablo Sanchez Leon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Maurice Zeitlin
Department of Sociology
264 Haines Hall
Box 951551
University of California
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1551

(310) 825-1313

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Date: Mon, 9 Nov 1998 19:17:07 -0500 (EST)
Subject: FWD: End the silence: U.S. should bring Pinochet to justice

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Headline: End the silence: U.S. should bring Pinochet to justice
Subhead: For three years before Pinochet's coup began, the Nixon administration turned 
over every rock trying to find a general willing to overthrow Chile's government.

  Maurice Zeitlin

 THE WAR of Chile's armed forces against their elected government 
was almost a week old on Sept. 17, 1973, when the broken and 
bullet-riddled body of the Rev. Juan Alsina, a 29-year-old Spanish 
priest, was found on a bridge in Santiago.

 Earlier in the day, an army officer and five soldiers had taken 
Alsina from the hospital where he served as chaplain. He was 
beaten, tortured and shot 10 times as he "tried to escape." 
The Spanish embassy claimed his body and returned it home for 

 Alsina was one of many Spanish citizens and other foreigners, 
including Americans, and more than 15,000 Chileans who were summarily 
executed or "disappeared" by the military as part of 
the bloody coup and its aftermath led by Gen. Augusto Pinochet.

Now, at last, Chile's ex-dictator and self-appointed "senator 
for life," is under police guard in London, after an extradition 
request from Spain, for the murder of Alsina and of many other 
Spanish citizens in Chile.

 Eleven judges on Spain's National Court have ruled unanimously 
that under international law, Spain has the legal right to bring 
charges against Mr. Pinochet for crimes against humanity and 
to seek his extradition from Britain.

 This contradicts a ruling by the high court in London that he 
is immune from prosecution as a former head of state. But the 
court ordered that he remain in detention, pending an appeal 
to the House of Lords.

 If Spain's exemplary effort to extradite Mr. Pinochet and 
try him for murder succeeds, it will be the first judge and jury 
that Mr. Pinochet or any member of the junta has faced for the 
crimes they committed during a 17-year reign of terror.

 Both the immediate post-dictatorship president, Patricio Aylwin, 
and current president, Eduardo Frei, have been afraid even to 
investigate let alone bring charges against them. The government 
is still vulnerable to pressure and threats by the unreconstructed 

 The crimes Mr. Pinochet would be charged with would certainly 
include the murder of three young Americans: Charles Horman, 
Frank Teruggi Jr. and Ronnie Karpen Moffit.

 No refuge to be found

 On that September day in 1973, while fighting was still raging 
in Santiago, Charles Horman went to the U.S. Embassy to request 
protection for his wife, Joyce, and himself. Embassy officials 
turned him away, saying they couldn't help him.

 That evening he was arrested by soldiers and taken to the National 
Stadium, where thousands of other prisoners rounded up by the 
military were concentrated. He subsequently "disappeared."

On Oct. 5, his father, Edmund Horman, came to Chile, and, with 
Joyce, sought help from embassy officials. But as Frank Teruggi 
Sr. was also to experience months later, they were subject instead 
to evasions and indifference. They were forced to conduct their 
own investigation; and, on Oct. 18, were informed by the embassy 
that Chilean investigators had found Horman's body. He had 
been tortured and shot in the stadium, and buried in the wall 
of the National Cemetery.

 Frank Teruggi Jr., an economics student at the University of 
Chile, and his roommate, David Hathaway, were arrested on Sept. 
20, 1973, and taken to National Stadium. Somehow the two were 

 Mr. Hathaway was later released, as the result of the intervention 
of a Chilean businessman, a family friend. Mr. Hathaway never 
saw his friend alive again. Frank Teruggi's body was found 
days later at the morgue in Santiago. He had been tortured and 
shot 17 times.

 These facts were disclosed and confirmed only in February 1974, 
as the result of an independent investigation in Chile by Teruggi's 
father, and a Chicago commission of inquiry.

 Car bomb attack

 Ronnie Moffit was killed in Washington in 1976 by a car bomb 
planted by a Chilean hit squad. She was a passenger in the car 
of their target, Orlando Letelier, a former minister in the government 
of Salvador Allende, who was also murdered.

 In this case, at least, a Justice Department investigation led 
to the imprisonment, in 1995, of Manuel Contreras, head of Chile's 
feared secret police, and his deputy.

 But for none of these murders of U.S. citizens, and the incarceration 
and brutal beating or torture of at least eight other Americans 
in Chile -- including two Maryknoll priests and two of my own 
then-graduate students at the University of Wisconsin -- has 
the U.S. government sought to call Mr. Pinochet to account.

The U.S. government was complicit with Mr. Pinochet and his ilk 
in destroying Chile's constitutional government. For three 
years before Mr. Pinochet's coup began, the Nixon administration 
turned over every rock trying to find a general willing to betray 
the constitution and overthrow Allende, Chile's freely elected 
socialist president.

 The CIA, in a shadowy alliance with U.S. corporations, carried 
out "massive covert operations within a democratic state," 
as Sen. Frank Church, then chairman of the Senate Intelligence 
Committee, concluded in 1975 "with the ultimate effect of 
overthrowing [the] duly elected government."

 A quarter of a century later, the U.S. government must acknowledge 
its responsibility for what happened in Chile by filing its own 
request for the extradition of Mr. Pinochet, to stand trial here 
for the murder of U.S. citizens.

 Maurice Zeitlin, a professor of sociology at the University 
of California at Los Angeles, and a member of the advisory board 
of the Latin American Center, has lived in Chile and is the author 
of many articles and two books on that country, including "The 
Civil Wars in Chile" (Princeton University Press).


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