Tavis Barr writes:
>This is true.  But it's not the same kind of export competition.
>Harvard, MIT, and Mass general don't argue to their workers that they
>have to lower wages to compete with Berkeley or Oxford.  None of these
>places are threatening to close down and move their work to Mexico.
>Although people come from all over the world to go to Boston hospitals,
>most patients are still from New England, and nobody's out pitching the
>cheapest services to customers in Australia.  Competition is in the form
>of quality and innovation, and that matters a lot for worker bargaining
>power.  As for business services, well, I worked as a temp in Boston for
>several years, and most of those jobs were in FIRE firms.  Almost all of
>the client base of these offices was in New England if not in Eastern
>Mass.  So again, although the companies were often international, the
>markets were usually local or at most regional.

But the threat of taking some things off shore (or out of state) is
very real for firms like Fidelity Investments (which is currently building
branch offices in RI & NH and overseas).  There's a real problem in
talking about "services" as if it were a homogeneous field.  Marx wrote
some interesting things about services in _Theories of Surplus Value_; Andy
Sayer argues, cogently IMHO, that "services" is a chaotic conception in
_Method in Social Science_; and a few years ago Dick Walker had a great
article deconstructing the concept along the same lines as Sayer but in
much more depth (I think it's reprinted in his book jointly written with
Sayer -- _The New Social Division of Labor_).

We have to be very clear about (1) what we mean when we say "services" and
(2) the level of abstaction we're operating at.

Marsh Feldman                               Phone: 401/874-5953
Community Planning, 204 Rodman Hall           FAX: 401/874-5511
The University of Rhode Island           Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Kingston, RI 02881-0815

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