CPI -- On a seasonally adjusted basis, the CPI-U rose 0.1 percent 
in April, the same as in March.  The food index, which was unchanged 
in March, declined 0.2 percent in April ....The energy index declined 
for the second consecutive month, down 1.5 percent in April 
....Excluding food and energy, the CPI-U rose 0.3 percent, following 
increases of 0.2 percent in each of the two preceding months.  The 
larger advance in April reflects an upturn in the index for apparel 
and upkeep ....
     REAL EARNINGS -- Real average weekly earnings decreased by 0.9 
percent from March to April after seasonal adjustment.  This loss was 
due to a 0.9 percent drop in average weekly hours and a 0.1 percent 
decrease in average hourly earnings.  The CPI-W was unchanged ....Over 
the year, real average weekly earnings grew by 2.2 percent ....

__Producer prices for finished goods dropped a seasonally adjusted 0.6 
percent in April, the largest decline since a 0.8 percent decrease in 
August 1993, the BLS reports.  Core prices -- excluding volatile food 
and energy components -- dropped 0.1 percent in April, after rising 
0.4 percent in the previous month.  Core finished goods have risen 0.6 
percent in the year ended in April.  April marked the 
fourth-consecutive decline in the Producer Price Index for Finished 
Goods and the first time the index has fallen for four months in a row 
since the period end August 1993 ....BLS economist Bill Thomas is 
quoted as saying that, in the year ended in April, the finished goods 
PPI has risen just 0.8 percent, the lowest year-over-year advance 
since a 0.6 percent rise in the 12 months ended in July 1994 
...."Usually April is a strong month for gasoline prices," Thomas 
said.  "However, because of the high crude oil inventories, gasoline 
put downward pressure on energy prices" ....(Daily Labor Report, page 
__U.S. producer prices are falling, despite robust national economic 
growth and the lowest jobless rate in a quarter century ....Declining 
food and energy costs helped push down the index ....(Washington Post, 
page E1).
__Prices paid to producers fell unexpectedly in April.  The data 
showed that inflation continued to be restrained ....(New York Times, 
page D1).
__Economists were particularly surprised by the lack of inflationary 
pressure since the economy just completed its most robust quarter in a 
decade ....(Wall Street Journal, page A2)___On page C1, the Journal 
carries an article by Roger Lowenstein, "Smoking Out the Inflation 
Genie."  Lowenstein says that the "truism isn't that runaway inflation 
ever lurks around the corner, but that inflation at whatever rate 
changes only slowly absent truly unusual shocks ...."

Business inventories rose 0.3 percent in March, while sales fell 0.3 
percent, the Commerce Department reported ....(Daily Labor Report, 
page A-11).

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