>Posted on 1 Aug 1995 at 14:37:40 by TELEC List Distributor (011802)
>[PEN-L:81] Two Questions
>Date: Tue, 1 Aug 1995 11:37:19 -0700
>From: Thomas Schumacher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Does anybody know if the papers from the International Conference on Regulation
>Theory in Barcelona (1988) were ever collected or published?

No, not in one place.

>Also, does anybody know of any work that's been done within the regulation
>school on consumption?  It seems that for Aglietta at least that one of the
>features of the shifts he outlines is the changes in patterns/practices of
>consumption, and yet most of the work coming after him has concentrated on
>either the labor process or the state.  Any leads?

Check out David Harvey's _The Condition of Postmodernity_.  Also see

Florida, Richard L and Marshall MA Feldman. 1988. Housing in US Fordism.
  Int. Jour. Urban and Regional Research 12(2): 187-210.

Feldman, Marshall and Richard L Florida. 1990. Economic restructuring
 and the changing role of the state in US housing. Pp. 31-46 in
 Government and housing: Developments in seven countries, ed. Willem van
 Vliet and Jan van Weesep, Vol. 36, Urban Affairs Annual Reviews, Newbury
 Park: Sage.

Marsh Feldman                               Phone: 401/792-5953
Community Planning, 204 Rodman Hall           FAX: 401/792-4395
The University of Rhode Island           Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Kingston, RI 02881-0815

"Marginality confers legitimacy on one's contrariness."

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