We all eagerly await the pen-l postings of Wojtek's cat.  The cat 
(what is its name?) might first want to peruse the archives of a 
discussion on postmodernism that took place on this list three 
years ago.  A main archive can be found at:


but some important followups are missing; they can be easily found 
by looking through the May and June 1994 gopher archives.

Wojtek's cat will notice that while a certain testiness is evident 
at the outset of the 1994 discussion, it quickly settles into a 
rather interesting exchange of ideas, not a slanging match.

As for the cat's owner I find little worth responding to in his 
latest post.  Others can judge for themselves whether his second 
round of explications of the Copernican paragraph make much sense.  

If one pays really close attention to Wojtek's writings what seems 
to emerge is that he believes that metatheoretical grounds exist 
for choosing the correct ontological and epistemological positions 
and tossing out the others.  (I also see what look like bits of 
Wittgenstein floating by but it's hard to tell.)  In any case if 
that's his position that's where our basic disagreement lies.

On natural science per se I see nothing more than repetition; I'm 
dismayed that the rest of the post degenerates into abuse.  In 
the midst of throwing around words like bullshit and crap and 
rabid and nihilism, we get "Me stigmatising adversaries???"

Go figure,


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