JERRY: I have no such confidence in the role of "radical
intellectuals" to bring about change *especially* when those RIs view
the line of communication to the masses as one-way (as above). A
preliminary step for activism might be for the RIs to *listen* to
what working people have to say and to *participate* in their
struggles without preaching to them or acting like know-it-alls.

KARL: One grows increasingly tired of all this bullshit about a left
of centre government being better than a right of centre government. 
I have been hearing this kind of rubbish for many years and still 
they do not learn.

Politically in terms of revolution it makes no essential difference
whether it is one or the other. The point is that revolutionary
socialism must build itself up into an independent working class
movement that struggles to achieve social revolution. In saying this
I am not advocating another brand of Leninism. As I said before I am
opposed to Leninism which is no more that a left counter-revolutionary force. 

                       Karl Carlile

                          Yours etc.,

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