While I realize that this is about 6 months too early or 5 months too late,
it seems appropriate given the discussion on left/right/center for France and
maggie coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>Twas the night before Christmas and throughout the White House, Al 
>was eyeing Hillary, peering into her blouse.
>The Secret Service were guarding the premises with care, for a whole 
>of Democrats were vacationing there.
>As Chelsea was nestled all snug in her bed, dirty thoughts swam 
>Mr. Kennedy's head.
>And Bill in his sportcoat; a heavy gray tweed, had just fried his 
>with some Mexican weed.
>When out in the garden came a plethora of noise, all drunken and 
>'twas Newt and the boys!
>Bill jumped to the window, and tore open the sash, "It's a raid 
>boys!" he
>cried, "Quick, go hide my stash!"
>The pot in his blood and the moon on the snow, gave a psychedelic 
>haze to
>the objects below.
>When what to Bill's frantic eyes should appear, but a slew of 
>and a keg of ice beer.
>With a big House leader, all lively and fat:  He knew it was Newt, 
>proponent of GATT!
>As viscous as vipers,  the Republicans came, and Bill recognized them 
>called them by name.
>"Hey Helms, Hey Thurmond! Hey Packwood and Hatch! Hey Dole and Pataki,
>it's time for a bash!"
>A collective cheer rose out from the crowd, "Let's listen to Nugent, 
>turn it up loud!"
>Together Dems and Republicans danced and sang out in cheer
>"Screw health care and Haiti, it's time to drink beer!"
>When from the chimney, came a big black cloud of soot, as
>Limbaugh danced from the fireplace in a red Santa suit.
>He moved through the crowd, then held up his hand, and when all was
>silent, he did a keg stand.
>And the crowd raised their cups, as Newt bowed down in prayer, and
>champagne flowed freely, unlike welfare.
>As Kennedy and Reno romped in the Green Room, the rest of the crooks 
>outlined their plan of doom.
>"We'll pray in the schools, shove it down their throats!" "Less 
>more taxes,  we'll still get the votes!"
>And they drank, hugged and danced, they crossed party lines. They
>cheered, "It doesn't matter, we're all bastard swines!"
>So they threw out allegiance and partisan crap, and they took turns
>sitting on the President's lap.
>And Gephardt and Dole passed out on the lawn, and awoke in the 
>without their pants on.
>And Packwood gave Tipper a pat on the rear.   While Schafly and 
> Judge Thomas went out for  beer.
>Then the party-ers discovered a sight so touching and cute, 
>Clinton fast asleep, snuggled up next to Newt.
>Santa Limbaugh smiled and threw up on his boots, "A merry Clinton to 
>and to all a good Newt!"

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