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>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fri Jun  6 17:43 PDT 1997
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Date: Fri, 06 Jun 1997 20:36:46 -0400
From: Bob Olsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: World Forum
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 Here is approximately 1/5 of a document outlining a World Forum.
 It speaks of the same problems that we face here in Canada.
 Let me know if you want the entire document. =20
 Ask for mia\documents\worldforum

 Bob Olsen      Toronto         [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Date: Wed, 04 Jun 1997 09:45:00 -0500
 From: michel lambert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Subject: apec-L: Forum of the alternatives

 A network of the networks!

 In Cairo, last november (1996) was lunched a new initiative by Samir
 Amin to create a new network of progressives organisations and
 indivuduals troughout the world.  Following is the manifesto of the
 "World Forum for Alternatives"


 World Forum for Alternatives  May 1997

 =ABIt is time to reclaim the march of history=BB

 To confirm your interest in joining the Forum write to the Secretary of
 the Follow-up Committee :=20
 Samir Amin
 Forum Tiers Monde
 Third World Forum
 C.P. 3501
 Dakar, S=E9n=E9gal
 phone and fax: (221) 21 11 44

 Table of Contents
 - Manifesto
 - Goals and Objectives
 - Provisional Programme of Activities
 - Attachment 1 : List of members of the Follow-up Committee


 It is time to reclaim the march of history
 Humanity s future is at stake. Scientific progress and technical
 advances, the supreme achievements of knowledge, fortify the privilege
 and comfort of a minority. Instead of contributing to the well-being of
 all, these feats are used to crush, marginalize and exclude countless
 human beings. Access to natural resources, especially in the South, is
 monopolized by the few and is subject to political blackmail and threats
 of war.               =20
 It is time to make the economy serve the peoples of the world =20
 The economy provides goods and services mainly to a minority. In its
 contemporary form, it forces the majority of the human race into
 strategies for abject survival, denying tens of millions of people even
 the right to live. Its logic, the product of neoliberal capitalism,
 entrenches and accentuates grotesque inequalities. Propelled by faith in
 the market s self-regulating virtue, it reinforces the economic power of
 the rich and exponentially increases the numbers of the poor.     =20

 It is time to break down the wall between North and South =20
 Monopolies of knowledge, scientific research, advanced production,
 credit and information, all guaranteed by international institutions,
 create a relentless polarization both at the global level and within
 each country. Trapped in patterns of development that are culturally
 destructive, physically unsustainable and economically submissive, many
 peoples throughout the world can neither define for themselves the
 stages of their evolution, establish the basis of their own growth, or
 provide education for their younger generations.

 It is time to confront the crisis of our civilization
 The confines of individualism, the closed world of consumption, the
 supremacy of productivism - and, for many, an obsessive struggle for
 sheer daily survival obscure humanity's larger objectives: the right to
 live liberated from oppression and exploitation, the right to equal
 opportunities, social  justice, peace, spiritual fulfilment and

 It is time to refuse the dictatorship of money =20
 The concentration of economic power in the hands of transnational
 corporations weakens, even dismantles, the sovereignty of states. It
 threatens democracy - within single countries and on a global scale. The
 dominance of financial capital does more than imperil the world s
 monetary equilibrium. It transforms states into mafias. It proliferates
 the hidden sources of capitalist accumulation   drug trafficking, the
 arms trade, child slavery. =20

 It is time to replace cynicism with hope =20
 Stock prices soar when workers are laid off. A competitive edge is
 gained when mass consumerdom is replaced with elite niche markets.
 Macro-economic indicators react positively as the ranks of the poor
 multiply. International economic institutions coax and compel
 governments to pursue structural adjustment, widening the chasm between
 classes and provoking mounting social conflict.  International
 humanitarian aid trickles to those reduced to despair.

 It is time to rebuild and democratize the state =20
 The programme of dismantling the state, reducing its functions,
 pilfering its resources and launching sweeping privatizations leads to a
 demoralized public sector, weakened systems of education and health and
 the eventual usurping of the state by private economic interests.
 Neoliberal globalization divorces the state from the population and
 encourages corruption and organized venality on an unprecedented scale.
 The state becomes a repressive instrument policing the privilege of the

 It is time to recreate the citizenry =20
 Millions of people are deprived of voting rights because they are
 immigrants. Millions more fail to vote because they are angry or
 discouraged, because parties are in crisis or because they feel impotent
 and excluded from political life. Elections are often distorted by
 influence-mongering and deceit. But democracy is about more than
 elections. Democracy means participation at every level of economic,
 political and cultural life.

 Bob Olsen     Toronto     [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ]:-)

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