Arizona State AFL-CIO calls for WorkerUs Bill of Rights ballot initiative.


The Arizona AFL-CIO is circulating petitions to place an Arizona WorkerUs 
Bill of Rights on the November 1996
general election ballot.  

Organizers plan to collect 250,000 signatures statewide between now and 
the deadline for filing petitions in July 1996.  They also plan to 
register tens of thousands of new voters.

The initiative combines several proposals which have no hope of being 
heard in an extremist anti-worker state legislature.   If passed, the 
proposals will become part of
the stateUs constitution.

*Establishes a state minimum wage covering all workers
equal to 50 percent of the stateUs average wage.  This provision will 
increase the minimum wage to $5.84 in 1997.   It is expected that will 
bring about a large boost in the state average wage, leading to a second 
large increase in the minimum wage in 1998 to nearly $7 per hour.

*Increases workers compensation benefits to 75% of the
workers wages and benefits prior to the on-the-job injury and institutes 
an annual cost-of-living adjustment for those with long-term disabilities.

*Prohibits employers from firing workers without just cause

*Extend eligiblity for unemployment compensation to all workers and 
increases weekly benefits.

*Provides that employers who receive economic development incentives from 
local government who subsequently close down and move operations to 
another state must return the subsidies they received and provide job 
training, health care costs, and supplemental unemployment benefits for 
11 months to laid-off workers.

*Guarantee private and public employees the right to organize.


Progressive pro-labor groups are organizing to support the AFL-CIO 

Contact Andy English, [EMAIL PROTECTED], for more information.

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