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>From wrl  Thu Sep 10 06:57:23 1998
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        Thu, 10 Sep 1998 06:47:47 -0700 (PDT)
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 09:55:40 -0400
To: (Recipient list suppressed)
From: War Resisters League <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Demand a Change in Nation's Priorities

A special appeal to labor activists for "A Day Without the Pentagon,"
October 19, 1998.

        "The United States is the wealthiest nation on the planet.  It is possible
to have health care for every American.  It is possible to rebuild our mass
transit, our schools, and our parks.  We can educate our children, house
the homeless, care for the elderly, protect our environment, and heal the
destructive wounds of racism which threaten our national community.  We
believe there is an alternative to a nation armed against itself, in which
the answer to poverty and hunger is to hire more police and build more
prisons, to put more bars on our windows, more locks on our doors."

        From The Call to Action for A Day Without the Pentagon.

Whatever we want=97from better medical care for our babies to better schools
for our young people to medical care for our older people=97we won't see it
as long as the Pentagon continues to consume $1.7 billion a day from the
nation's pockets.  Worse still, the Pentagon is starting to assume
functions formerly reserved for civilian government, from policing to
education to medical research.  Instead of shrinking at the Cold War's end,
the Pentagon=97an institution in search of itself=97threatens to play a larg=
role in all of our lives.

So in October thousands of activists from a broad range of peace and social
justice efforts will come together in Washington to declare "A Day Without
the Pentagon." We will demand a dramatic shift in the country's priorities
away from militarism and toward human and social needs.

"For the labor movement," said long-time peace activist and campaign
organizer David McReynolds, "supporting this campaign is an affirmation of
its democratic and anti-militarist roots.  Eugene Debs often explained, the
military's true purpose is not a defense of democracy but of the privilege
of wealth."

"A Day Without the Pentagon" will be a demonstration with a march and legal
rally and civil disobedience actions at the Pentagon Monday October 19th.
The day before, Sunday October 18, a Disarmament Fair and Concert will
vividly depict for the Washington community and for the nation the things a
demilitarized society could do with the money now going into the military.
The action will draw attention to the world's best-known symbol of
militarism=97an institution that dominates our public life and consumes the
greatest share of our government's resources.

Activists are organizing across the country now in more than a dozen
cities.  A caravan from Seattle to the Pentagon will bring our message to
thousands who cannot travel to the capital by making presentations in
selected cities along the way.  Caravaners also plan special media events,
reports from the road, and uplinks to the campaign's website. =20

In addition to these high-tech organizing efforts, the campaign has
attracted support from veterans of the peace and justice movement.  Says
long-time activist Dave Dellinger, "I think that the time is as ripe today
as it was in 1955 when Rosa Parks refused to go to the back of the bus... I
think that the October Pentagon action will become the spark that leads to
expanded, more unified activities for the egalitarian justice without which
there can be no peace."

A manual prepared especially for the October 19 action contains detailed
information on the action scenario, maps and photos of the area, and a
photo essay about past actions at the Pentagon.  The history section alone
makes it worth the $2.00 cover price (one dollar each for ten or more).  If
you have not yet ordered your copy, contact WRL today. =20

"A Day Without the Pentagon" was initiated last year by the War Resisters
League and has been endorsed by more than 100 groups and individuals
representing a broad array of social justice and peace concerns. =20

We urge you to make your plans now to be with us on October 19 at the
Pentagon.  If your organization has not yet endorsed the action, consider
that step now. =20

Organizing committees are formed in more than a dozen cities, contact Chris
Ney or Linda Thurston by replying to this e-mail or access our website at or call us at the numbers listed=

In solidarity,

Chris Ney                               Linda M. Thurston
Disarmament Coordinator         Campaign Organizer

War Resisters League
339 Lafayette St.
New York, NY 10012
212-228-6193 (fax)
1-800-975-9688 (YouthPeace and A Day Without the Pentagon)
web address:


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