>    PARIS, Sept 10 (AFP) - A leading US economist has called on IMF
> head Michel Camdessus to resign over the institute's poor handling
> of the Russian economic crisis, saying the IMF's actions had
> contributed to the chaos.
>    Jeffrey Sachs, director of the Harvard Institute for
> International Development, told the French daily Le Figaro that
> Camdessus should step down from his post as executive director of
> the International Monetary Fund.
>    "The IMF completely failed in its intervention in Russia from
> the start", Sachs told Le Figaro in an interview to appear Friday.
>    "They have contributed to this debacle", he said, calling on the
> G7 group of industrialised nations to respond in a "creative manner"
> to the crisis -- which would not include sending the IMF back to
> Moscow.
>    He specifically criticised the IMF's insistence that Russia did
> not need financial aid in 1992, and its failure to intervene in
> 1995-1996 while Moscow embarked on a "highly corrupt privatisation
> programme".
>    A world-wide recession could now be avoided through a
> "coordinated reduction in interest rates" in the United States,
> Europe and Japan, he advised.



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