perhaps some insight into the sawicky challenge can be gained from the 

according to an article in july/ag resurgence by jay walljasper, which 
briefly reviews bill mckibben's "hope, human and wild", the indian state of 
kerala, with per cap annual income of $300, 1/70 of U.S., under the 
leadership of an anti-globalization left has achieved the following:

life expectancy similar to U.S.
100% literacy
birth rate similar to U.S.
lack of intercommunal strife, tho it is 60/20/20 Hindu/Xian/Muslim

they did this by emphasizing redistribution and effective use of available 
resources rather than traditional growth projects and whoring after 
footloose capital.

Robert Naiman
Senior Researcher
Public Citizen -- Global Trade Watch
215 Pennsylvania Ave SE
Washington, DC 20003

202-546-4996 x 302

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