> Reply-to:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> From:          [EMAIL PROTECTED] (S.  Charusheela)
> Subject:       [PEN-L:11233] critique and politics (was re: Tax bill may...)

> Max Sawicky notes his dismay at how academic quibbling becomes a shield for
> political inaction.  I am sympathetic, and agree that this is often the
> case.
> One correction, however, about microcredit.  I wish to note that while
> some, perhaps even much of the critique does follow the type of 'shield for
> politics' Max is quite rightly critiquing, that is not the whole story.
> There are very concrete reasons that many folks, including me, are critical
> of the euphoria around micro-credit.  This is not because one is against

I hold no brief for or against micro-credit (I'm mildly 
sympathetic, but I claim no knowledge of the subject).
I'm just not going to be as interested in a critique when
the general patter of criticism is to reject most anything.

> .  .  .
> to work, and that is a political intervention, no?  For the record, I will
> reassure Max that many of us 'nasty critics' work with and .  .  .

Please don't attribute words to me that I never used!
I DID NOT use the term "nasty critics" in my post.
I wasn't even talking about critics of micro-credit
per se.  My post was not about micro-credit at all.



Max B. Sawicky            Economic Policy Institute
[EMAIL PROTECTED]          1660 L Street, NW
202-775-8810 (voice)      Ste. 1200
202-775-0819 (fax)        Washington, DC  20036

Opinions above do not necessarily reflect the views
of anyone associated with the Economic Policy
Institute other than this writer.

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