Doug writes: >If [Ward Connerly] gets his way, he'll end up as one of the
last and greatest beneficiaries of [Affirmative Action].<<

He might be the last, but Clarence Thomas is definitely the greatest
beneficiary of AA.

BTW, my letter on Affirmative Action was published today. I expect the
Small Business Administration, the tax deduction for home mortgage
interest, and the Veteran's administration to be abolished forthwith, in an
effort to level the playing field for us non-entrepreneurs,
non-home-owners, and non-veterans. 

As my son Guthrie says: "Yeah, right."

in pen-l solidarity,

Econ. Dept., Loyola Marymount Univ.
7900 Loyola Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90045-8410 USA
310/338-2948 (daytime, during workweek); FAX: 310/338-1950
"It takes a busload of faith to get by." -- Lou Reed.

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