Gar Lipow wrote:

>When Neruda died during the coup....

Actually, he died on the 23rd.  At the time of the coup he was terminally
ill with cancer, I believe.  But the coincidence of the two events was

This afternoon we're hoilding an event at the University, bringing together
students from my wifes graduate program in intercultural/bilingual education
(largely indigenous poepl, including three Mapuche from Chile) and my
undergrads from the US.  Audiovisuals of the UP, coup and aftermath,
followed by commentary from three Chileans who lived the coup, and were
variously jailed, exiled, etc.  For one, who went into exile in Bolivia, it
is the first time he will speak publicly of his experience.

You are all invited!  Humanities Department, UMSS, Cochabamba, 3:30pm today.

And from friend in Chile today I hear that protests have been going all
week; today should be particularaly heated. Yesterday in Valparaiso 40 were


Tom Kruse / Casilla 5812 / Cochabamba, Bolivia
Tel/Fax: (591-4) 248242

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