On Wed, July 30, 1997 at 13:47:18 (-0700) D Shniad writes:
>As quoted in agitprop news 7/27/97:  
>       Mandela was silent on the Suharto regime's brutal suppression 
>       of political dissent and trade unionism at home, as well as its 
>       coercive labour policies. Asked for comments on the 
>       Indonesian regime's occupation of East Timor, he stated that 
>       it was an internal affair that should be resolved through 
>       discussions.  
>Did mandela get a lobotomy? ... Perhaps apartheid was an "internal 
>affair" that should have been "resolved through discussions."  

No, I believe Mandela got some sort of trade deal with Indonesia.
I'm also pretty sure that this is a relatively old development.


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