> From:          "James Michael Craven" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject:       [PEN-L:11549] Re: Home Mortgage Deduction

> > > an enormous legacy of theft and violence that didn't come to pass in
> > > some dusty antiquity.  Did you think that railroads,
> > > telecommunications, oil companies, AT&T, Nike, etc. just grew from the
> > > wholesome sweat of a few provident workers who tucked their savings
> > > away to one day fund these immense projects?  Does Taylorism
> > 
> > No, but so what?

> Response (Jim C): "So What?"; the Nazi and other Holocausts--"so 
> what?"; Slavery--"so what?"  .  .  .

Mr. A:  No relief is conceivable under the Rule of Capital.

Mr. B:  Well, actually I believe some relief is possible and
           eliminating Capital altogether is unlikely and possibly

Mr. A:  The blood of the martyrs of millenia of oppression
           under the yoke of Capital gathers at your feet.  Slavery!
           Enclosure!  Peonage!  Wage-gouging!  Surplus value!
           Segregation!  Lots of bad stuff!

Mr. B:  SO WHAT?

Mr. A:  Why, you no-good #@$%^&*+= so-and-so!!!

Mr. B:  I would say that about sums us this "debate."
           Now if you'll excuse me I have to go worry my hang-nail.

"People say I'm arrogant, but I know better."

                              -- John Sununu

Max B. Sawicky            Economic Policy Institute
[EMAIL PROTECTED]          1660 L Street, NW
202-775-8810 (voice)      Ste. 1200
202-775-0819 (fax)        Washington, DC  20036

Opinions above do not necessarily reflect the views
of anyone associated with the Economic Policy
Institute other than this writer.

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