Dear Friends on Pen-l

I am writing to thank all of you who wrote in to the President of my 
College in support of this struggle in which I am involved. From the 
material below, it should be clear that this is about more that 
academic freedom, freedom from harassment in the workplace, freedom 
of candid academic exhanges and thought, freedom of activism in just 
causes, freedom from workplace surveillance as an instrument for 
other agenda, differential treatment of favored insiders versus 
troublesome outsiders by Administrators, due process etc.

Based solely on a complaint by Kevin Annett living in Canada and a 
threat of a lawsuit, Annett alleges defammation, maligning reputation 
etc. I have repeatedly asked him to sue me as truth is an absolute 
defense in libel and slander. He did not provide even one sample 
e-mail that he feels shows maligning and defammation but instead, 
called for the College to go through all my e-mails (e-mails never 
sent to him and that he has never seen) instead of filing a proper 
legal action and subsequent motions for discovery.

Ordinarily the Administration would have asked him to provide hos own 
copies of any e-mail he feels to be defammatory and/or tell him about 
academic freedom. By the way, this is a guy who recently publicly 
slandered actual victims of Residential School Abuse as tied-in with 
pedophile rings--the same victims who had expelled him from the 
Circle of Justice.

Now here is why this request is particularly damaging. As can be 
illustrated from below, this Annett openly and callously leaked out 
sensitive information to which he was privy and compromised activists 
and covert operations by Indians who can go where he could never go. 
Further, his name was never even mentioned as a candidate for a 
hit--only mine--but to do self-promotion and to feed his narcissism 
and credentials in this market niche--Residential School Abuse--he 
put out the following. Now the College wants all e-mails many of 
which were private and never even addressed to him and that he has 
never even seen and I fear the worst in terms of even more damage to 
particular individuals and activism.

This is not about some personality dispute; this is fundamental and 
real lives are on the line here. No hyperbole, just a fact. The 
Administration, presently involved in two lawsuits against the 
College , the Trustees and President, claims to be only interested in 
determining legal liability. They claim that my own activism on other 
issues--due process, insider hiring, academic standards, differential 
treatment of employees, unconscionable firings, hidden funds and 
slush funds while claiming pay increases may be problematic etc--have 
nothing to do with acquiesing to this unconscionable request of 

Let me quote from a sworn deposition from a former Dean in a 
personnel matter involving me (This Dean was canned and my battles 
with him had something to do with it):

"I did, in fact, ask our state attorney who handles Craven 
affairs--that's different from our state attorney general who handles 
everything else from the college--a man named Jim Tuttle who is 
stationed up in Seattle. I did ask him what kind of protection I 
could get from the state. His reaction was legally there was nothing 
the state attorney could do, that I would have to handle thoe 
affairs on my own." (Deposition of Dean Richard Fulton p. 10)

This is the College's way of "handling affairs on their own." and 
they don't care who is put at risk or what cases are compromised/

I will write all of you individually to thank you when my e-mail is 
no longer being screened.

Jim Craven


Greetings Kevin,

We will not be posting this, as we do not have permission from Jim Craven
to do so. ----  has informed me that he has already written you a letter
expressing our concerns, so I will not repeat that here.

I would like to add, however, that you do *not* have permission to
broadcast my full name in any capacity unless you have contacted me and
obtained that permission. If my name is to be attached to any posting, I
expect to be consulted to make sure it is OK to do so.

Although all S.I.S.I.S. members have, at various times, signed our names to
S.I.S.I.S. correspondence, we also have sought some degree of anonymity in
terms of not identifying any one person with S.I.S.I.S. In future, please
consider this when releasing letters written to S.I.S.I.S.

Thank you for your attention to this.


 Sept. 1, 1998


I want to share with you information I've just received that needs
to be circulated through your network, if you're willing.

I received a call today from Jim Craven, a Blackfoot friend who
served as a Panel Judge at our International Tribunal into the residential
schools last June. Jim says that he spoke yesterday to a Vancouver elder
from a local band, who is closely connected to the top native brass in
B.C. This source claims that both Jim and I are on a "hit list"
associated with "very powerful people" in Vancouver because of our
investigation into a native pedophile ring operating out of the elite
Vancouver Club.

These "powerful people" include native officials, judges,
United Church lawyers and underworld figures connected to the Hong Kong
Triad mafia, according to the elder. These people are all linked by the
drug and child trafficking activities at the Vancouver Club.

The elder said to Jim, "You have to be careful. You and Kevin are
being closely watched. These people kill."

Just so everyone knows, the situation is that native children are
being systematically provided for sex, and possibly more, to wealthy
people in the church, government, business and judiciary by native
politicians and their agents. In conjunction with Triad, native
officials are also heavily involved in drug importation into B.C. through
coastal native reserves, especially around Port Alberni, Port Renfrew and
Prince Rupert. The RCMP and DIA are aware of this child and drug
trafficking ring and participate in it.

These facts have been continually reiterated to me by personal
contacts I have on Vancouver's streets and in the business world. It
seems to be common knowledge in native circles as well.

In case anything happens to Jim or I, we want you all to know
these facts. We charge you with the task of acting on this knowledge and
continuing this work for justice and truth. We will carry on, regardless
of these threats.

(Rev.) Kevin Annett
with The Circle of Justice
ph: 604-874-3690

    S.I.S.I.S.   Settlers In Support of Indigenous Sovereignty
        P.O. Box 8673, Victoria, "B.C." "Canada" V8X 3S2


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 James Craven             
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

Those who take the meat from the table,
teach contentment.
Those for whom the taxes are destined,
demand sacrifice.
Those who eat their fill, speak to the hungry,
of wonderful times to come.
Those who lead the country into the abyss,
call ruling too difficult,
for ordinary folk.
(Bertolt Brecht)  

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

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