The present political system prevents the people from coming to
power.  This is done both with the carrot and the stick.  It is done by
creating the illusion that the people have a say, through voting, while
at the same time putting in place powerful mechanisms of the dictatorship
of the rich over the people.  The execituive power, the legislature, the
so-called "justice" system, the police and army, the electoral laws and
system, all serve to keep the ruling class in power and the working class
out of power.
        Consider just the question of running for office.  A whole system
of laws exist to make it next to impossible for small parties and
independent candidates to participate in the elections.  Simply getting on
the ballot is a major undertaking.  TV and radio coverage is also decided
by the rich and their monopoly controlled media and requires tens of
millions of dollars.  All of this blocks participation by ordinary people.
        The promotion of this system, as a "representative democracy" of
the people, is a fraud to hide the fact that it is a dictatorship by the
monopoly capitalists over the people.  It is a dictatiorship kept in place
both by illusions of democracy, and by force, whenever necessary - as
striking workers, welfare mothers, demonstrators against the KKK, youth
and students, Black communities, and others know well.
        The existing system can't be fixed to serve the people because it
is designed to keep the rich in power and the people out.  Why should
workers support such a system?  It is unfair and not legitimate.
Expecting the system to work and attempting to fix it is much like
expecting an old car to to take us into the future.  No matter how much
tinkering is done under the hood, no matter what the change in color or
style, it simply can't change the fact that it's a worn out jalopy.  A new
paint-job can make the car look better, but it only hides the reality that
it is not capable of meeting the needs of modern times.
        The existing political system belongs on the junk heap of history.
An entirely new system is needed, one designed to put power in the hands
of the people.  How can the new institutions be organized to insure it is
the people who hold supreme power in their hands?  How can elections serve
to enable ordinary people to themselves run for office and to select their
representatives from their peers - from among those who can represent
them?  These are the problems to be taken up and solved.  Building the new
is the order of the day, not sprucing up the old.
        The ruling class wants people to go along with the system and
simply cast their votes or remain passive despite their dissatisfaction.
Why give these rulers what they want?  We say reject this democracy of
the rich!  Don't support a system designed to keep the American people out
of power.

                        VOR, 1996

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

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