Brad, without granting your thesis about the relative merits of the two
regimes, I know that the KMT had to be pushed into land reform when then were
on the mainland and about to lose.  I suspect that competititon with Mainland
China made them act better, just as the Soviets made the U.S. behave better.

Brad De Long wrote:

> >It would be  odd if we did not recognise one of the most important events
> >of the history of the 20th century, which has influenced the pattern of
> >world politics ever since.
> >
> >The Chinese revolution was a major blow against imperialism in what had
> >been a semi-colonial semi-feudal country.
> I don't know. The Kuomintang was a strongly nationalist and
> anti-imperialist party too.
> It certainly has done a better job governing Taiwan--which is
> nobody's colony or neo-colony these days--than the CCP has done
> governing China...
> Brad DeLong

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321

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