> Barkley:
> Ricardo and I acquired a clear understanding of eavch other's position many
> months ago on another list. He simply believes that European had some
> qualties of the Weberian sort (rationality, etc.) before the modern era and
> this implied that europe was bound to rise first asnd fastest.

Nonsense! (and leave us alone Michael, I like Blaut, looks like he 
has some connection to Puerto Rico, too,  just fighting a 
little bit here). I don't simply believe that Weber is the key. That 
debate in the world history list was about how bad Weber has 
been explained by Frank and you, who have never fully grasped his  
concept of "rationality". My point is that, Weber is important to 
an understanding of  the rise of the West, which involved, I repeat and repeat, 
more than economic changes. Also, though I have yet to read it all, the stuff 
on the agricultural rev, might very well be very useful to me 'cause 
I, too, as I said in the last post on China, dont think there ever 
was an agricultural revolution, though, I agree with Devine that 
property relations are important, though not in the way Brenner-Wood 
say it. 

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