>I gotta disagree with this thread. This is just like the kind of garbage
>that the Orangeist epigones of Teresa Ebert et al were throwing at Doug
>Henwood and Ellen Wood a while back...Verso Press is less than perfect,
>therefore Henwood and Wood are next to evil...or a little worse.  This
>kind of stuff is the stuff of sectarianism, which you were only accusing,
>with no apparent justification, Aijaz Ahmad of just a few days ago. 

No, Steven. There is a connection. Wojtek has been attacking academics and
activists who target imperialism and racism. I view this as quite a
conservative stance, not radical at all. There is imperialism and there is
racism and our job is to fight it. 

I could never figure out why somebody connected with IPS would promote such
right-wing notions, so I did some poking around on the JHU website. I
discovered that Wojtek is a researcher with a think-tank called IPS whose
mission is to promote the spread of NGO's. NGO's are one of the main
instruments of imperialist co-optation today. They were funded by George
Soros all throughout Eastern Europe and helped to destroy left-wing
opposition movements by promoting bogus ideas based on the free-market and
"civil society". They are also a powerful weapon against peasant and labor
struggles in Latin America and Jim Petras has written excellent articles
recently exposing them. Fidel Castro threw them out of Cuba because he
figured out what they were up to. As I stated in my last post, the NGO of
today serves the same social function as Christian missionary outfits in
the 1930s--to defuse social struggles and get the masses to put their hopes
in do-gooders rather than themselves. If you think writing papers on behalf
of their spread is politically neutral, then I humbly have to disagree.

Louis Proyect

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