
>Movies like "Amistad," "Schindler's List" and "Saving Private Ryan" all
>basically put forward the same message, namely that the wealthy and the
>powerful are the ultimate guardians of what's decent and humane. In
>"Amistad," this role is assigned to John Quincy Adams who stands up for the
>slaves. In "Schindler's List," it is the industrialist who delivers the Jews.

I just spent a week with a number of colleagues, one of whom is a poet from
Ghana, where he teaches literatureof the African diaspora.  One of his books
is about Coast Castle, the largest "slave castle" in western Africa.  Our
coversation turned to Amistad, and while he echoed your view, Lou, he also
said that the film handily earned his respect for simply depicting the
passage from Africa to America on the screen, something unprecedented in the
history of cinema.


Tom Kruse / Casilla 5812 / Cochabamba, Bolivia
Tel/Fax: (591-4) 248242

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